Wednesday 26 January 2022

Supply Teacher Reflections

 A note from our supply teacher, Mr Spracklen -

Wow! What an inspiring day of learning we have had in Year Four.

We began the day continuing (and in most cases finishing) our cold story task from yesterday. In our story we were asked by Ms Browne to -

- Use correct punctuation 

- Have at least two characters 

- Have our characters talk to each other

A calm, focused writing environment led to some excellent pieces of work being produced. At the end of the lesson, we were all given the chance to read another child's piece of work and leave a positive post-it note to encourage them as writers. 

After break in Read, Write Inc. we explored how the suffix ‘-cian’ is used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’. These words gave us much food for thought -

We also read, answered comprehension questions based on a challenging Shakespeare extract and even sneaked in a quick game of Wordle -

By line three... the whole class were gripped! 

After a tasty lunch (Gammon Roast) we were back for an afternoon of Computing and RE.

In Computing, we explored '2Email'.

2Email is a completely internal email system and your child cannot get email from outside of Purple Mash. It has been developed to provide a safe environment for children to learn about email. It has various settings that are controlled for safeguarding purposes.

Please see the below guide for more information -

During our '2Email' lesson a live 'spam scenario' email was introduced. Some of the children fell for the bait while one child came to an adult and said "I don't know who has sent me this email" (which is exactly what we ask the children to do - tell an adult). 

We used the scenario as a learning and discussion point.

Finally, we ended the day with an RE lesson focused on Sikhism. We explored with Mrs Scott the story of Guru Nanak and the Boulder. 

It was a pleasure teaching Year 4 today. Ms Browne is expected back tomorrow.

Mr Spracklen


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