Saturday 22 January 2022

Last week and Next week


Hello everyone,

I hope you are well and have had a good week and are looking forward to the last full week of January.
Last week we continued to work on our Shakespeare play, it is wonderful to see the children's confidence and expressiveness grow. All scripts were sent home on Friday for the children to start familiarizing themselves with their role. They will need to memorise their lines by the 16th February but for now if you could support them by helping them read unfamiliar words that would be wonderful.   
Children should have black leggings/ joggers and black (or dark) long sleeved T-shirts and black plimsolls for the performance please.

The children enjoyed making electrical circuits and we will do more of this next week with a greater problem solving element to the activities.

Last week, we were looking at perimeter in maths and I noticed some children were using fingers to calculate number bonds within 10 and 20 (that is number that are added together that make either 10 or 20 or are no more than those numbers). This is something I will focus on in class, but just like having a fast recall of times tables a secure knowledge of number bonds will help your child tackle more complex mathematical problems. Hit the button is an online game that can help children practice their number bonds or you may like to verbally give them numbers to add together to develop their mental arithmetic. 

Home learning.
This week's home learning is to 
- start reading their MSND script (these need to be brought back into school everyday). 
- practice spellings. The super speller groups are changing this week so there isn't a spelling test on Monday but children can still practice their spelling shed spellings. Awesome orthographers and Spelling bees have their own spelling lists. 
- mathletics.
- times Tables Rockstars
- regular reading

Coming up this week:
- This week we will continue to rehearse our play.
- In guided reading, we will be exploring the life of William Shakespeare.
- In literacy, we will be learning how to punctuate direct speech with inverted commas and other appropriate punctuation. With this knowledge, the children will convert their MSND cartoons into a story. 
- In maths, we will be multiplying and dividing multiples or 10 and 100 and multiplying by 1 and 0. 
- In RE, the children will learn about Sikhism and the importance of sharing. 
- In Art, we will be colour mixing. Learning jwo to mis secondary and tertiary colours

Don't forget on Friday it is our Virtual Disco!!

As ever please get in touch if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Kind regards,
Ms Browne & the Year 4 team. 


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