Friday 14 January 2022

A week of Shakespeare


Hello everyone,

Our Shakespeare unit has well and truly begun! We had a wonderful visit to the Weymouth Pavilion where the children were able to experience how it will feel to be on stage and they got to go behind the scenes and learn about the history of the Pavilion. 

Throughout the week, the children have been continuing to find out more about our play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. It can be a little confusing when you first read or listen to the play so if you would like to watch the BBC cartoon adaptation with your child this may be helpful (the children have watched this in class). We will be continuing to understand the story further next week. A link to the film can be found here.    

This afternoon, all children that were in school were told their parts for the play. It was very tricky to cast and there was lots of demand for just a few roles. As the children may have explained, some of the larger parts will have two children playing them and our narrators will have the important role of also acting as understudies for those children without an acting partner.

The performance date is fast approaching and so if you haven't already booked your ticket you may want to do so by visiting the Weymouth Pavilion website directly

For the performance, I would like the children to wear black or very dark long sleeved t-shirts and black leggings or jogging bottoms with black plimsolls please. The school will be providing coloured T-shirts to go over the long sleeved tops. If you anticipate any difficulty sourcing these items please contact a member of the year 4 team as soon as possible please.   

Home Learning - click here
For this week's home learning I would like the children to continue practicing their times tables and spellings as well as reading and accessing mathletics. Their reflective task is to complete a worksheet on perimeter which we have been studying in class this week. Here is a reminder of how to calculate it should they need one.    

Don't forget to apply to Middle School
The deadline for applying to middle school is tomorrow Saturday 15th January 2022. If you haven't already, please click here to apply.  

As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me by email in the first instance or talk to a member of the team.

We all hope you have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Ms Browne and the Year 4 team. 

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