Wednesday 9 October 2024

Wellies for Friday, Home Learning and upcoming dates


Hello everyone,

I hope you and your child had a relaxing weekend after their successful residential last week. The children were amazing and should be very proud of themselves.

Food, Faith and Farming weekend has started with lots of related activities this week and next. On Friday of this week children should attempt to come to school dressed as a WW2 evacuee for our farm evacuation experience. It has been very wet recently so please ensure that every child has some mud-proof boots or wellingtons please.

A hard copy of this week's home learning should be coming home today (apologies for the one day delay). As well as regular reading, practising times tables and spellings, children have been challenged to be creative and create something related to Autumn. 

The children have been given their RWI spellings and they also have their own individual spelling lists. 
I strongly encourage children to regularly practice their spellings, on spelling shed if possible although I can provide additional paper sheets as required.
There are other activities on spelling shed but the optimal way for spelling practise in below:

Upcoming dates
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 11th Oct - Farm visit as a WW2 evacuee (dress up)
Friday 18th Oct - Dress as a farmer
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies KS2 9.15 - 10am
Friday 18th Oct - Autumn Fest 5 - 7pm
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 
Friday 25th Oct - Last Day of term


Monday 30 September 2024

Home learning information and residential update


Hello everyone,

We have a busy and exciting week ahead of us with our popular writing workshop "The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares" on Tuesday and our residential trip from Wednesday - Friday. When packing for our residential, please can you label any snacks/ treats that your child may want to bring. It would be particularly helpful if they were in a plastic bag, container or a zip lock bag. Food items always need to be collected by staff to avoid pests in dorm rooms but it is particularly important where children in the class have certain allergies. 

Home learning
This week's home learning is for the children to continue to work on their TinkerCAD creations for their ROAR projects. Mr Spracklen has created a helpful youtube video which should help explain how to access TinkerCAD logins. You can find this link here
I understand that it is not always possible to complete the main home learning activities but I strongly recommend regular reading, spellings and times table practice wherever possible. The effects of regular practice cannot be overstated.  

We have been in an assessment period during our spellings sessions identifying those words from years 1, 2 and 3 that the children still need to learn. The children have been tested on 130 words and now have their own personalised and individual spelling lists. 

Today the children were sent home with the first 20 of these spellings to learn. In class, the children will have two mornings per week where they will also be given time to work on their own personal spellings. I am only giving children 20 spellings at a time from their lists to learn but will give parents the full list at parents evening (I can email these before at your request)
I am also in the process of uploading the full list of all of their individual spellings onto Edshed/ Spelling Shed. With each list being individual to each child it is quite a time consuming process but I hope to have this done by the end of next week at the latest. 
After Hooke Court, the children will also be given new RWI spellings which they will be tested on weekly or fortnightly (dates will be on the sheets).   
Children will not be tested on their personal spellings until January 2025 although it is hoped that children will regularly practice their personal and weekly spellings as often as possible. 

Upcoming Dates 
Tuesday 1st October - The bank of dreams and nightmares
Wednesday 2nd - 4th October - Residential
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 11th Oct - Farm visit as a WW2 evacuee (dress up)
Friday 18th Oct - Dress as a farmer
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies KS2 9.15 - 10am
Friday 18th Oct - Autumn Fest 5 - 7pm
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 

TinkerCAD: Year Four Home Learning Help

Today in Computing, Year Four enjoyed using TinkerCAD again. Across the class, we are starting to develop some CAD enthusiasts while others are still getting to grips with what you can do with this powerful piece of software. 

One of the fantastic features of TinkerCAD is that you don’t need to start from scratch—you can take an existing design and ‘tinker’ with it! For this week's home learning, Mr Spracklen encourages pupils to find a design they like and make their own modifications as part of their #ROAR2024 project.

Once finished, pupils should share their final design by uploading it to Google Classroom or by emailing Mr Spracklen the .STL file (export to > .STL).

Mr Spracklen explains the task in more detail in the Y4 Home Learning Help video here: 

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Trip to the Museum

 Hello Year Four Families

We had a wonderful time at the County Museum today. The children learnt about different habitats that animals live in. Animals big, all the way down to microscopic! They used magnifying glasses to investigate creatures close up.

We then had a chance to go down into the basement which was a real privilege, The children got to see where specimens are kept and how they are preserved and looked after. It really was amazing down there!

Back up in the museum we investigated how birds use different shaped beaks to eat different things. The children took on roles as spoonbills, tweezerbills, pegbills and scissorbills. It was interesting to see what they could collect and they learnt how different birds eat different things depending on their beaks. 

Lastly, we found out how a range of scientists collected information about their findings. We learned that many used field journals to do this. The children then had the opportunity to make their own.

We had a fantastic morning at the museum . . .  and beat the rain home!

I am sure the children will have lots to tell you about their trip today and will enjoy sharing their field journals with you this evening.

The Year Four Team

Monday 23 September 2024


On Friday 20th September we welcomed Bill from the Dorchester Lions Club into Year Four to formally launch our #ROAR2024 project -

2024 is the ninth year of Lions ROAR. This inspirational competition is run by the award-winning education company, 8BillionIdeas and Lions Clubs British Isles. 

The unique Lions programme aims to inspire children and young people to think big and dream bigger about their ideas! 

For more information, please see:

Today, we followed up Bill’s input with a Computing session focused on idea generation and exploring what it means to ‘prototype’ -

We worked in our #ROAR2024 booklets to complete the following statement -

The problem my idea will solve is…

Future lessons will see us prototype our solutions in TinkerCAD.

Y4 trip to the museum


We are visiting Dorset County Museum this Wednesday (25th September) as part of the 'Urban Nature Project'.

The children will be leaving school at around 9.30am.

We will be eating our lunch at the museum so please make sure that your child has a rucksack that they can carry their lunch and a water bottle in. 

The weather looks showery at the moment so suitable wet weather gear is advisable.

The Year 4 Team

Sunday 22 September 2024

Home learning and upcoming dates


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and that your child is feeling settled and happy in year 4. Myself and the team are very happy with how they are doing so far. 

It is now officially Autumn and as we start 'welcoming' cooler days please can I remind you to make sure your child has a labelled coat everyday. We will launch our Food, Faith and Farming fortnight in a few weeks and have some lovely Autumn related activities to look forward to. 

We head off on our residential trip a week on Wednesday and you may be starting to put items aside now. Here is an electronic copy of the packing list but if you need a paper copy please ask a member of the team.    

The deadline for Home learning is generally Tuesdays when the children will be given their new piece of work. 
The previous home learning can be found here
This week's home learning (which the children will bring home on Tuesday) can be found here.  

Most of the children will not have come home with spellings to learn yet. We have been assessing the common spellings that are helpful to know by year 4 and the children will then have their own personalised spelling lists. These will be ongoing spellings to learn and in addition tho these the children will have weekly or fortnightly RWI spellings to learn once RWI sessions start (hopefully later this week). 

Dressing Up
We have a number of dressing up opportunities coming up at POW and in Year 4. To help you get prepared I have listed those likely to happen before Christmas below. We don't expect or want you to spend lots of money on these, items that you already have with tweaks are very welcome. Please feel free to ask a member of the team if you need help with costumes. 

Upcoming opportunities for children to dress up include 
-  dress up as a WW2 evacuee  on Friday 11th October - link here for costume ideas
- dress up as a farmer on Friday 18th October 
- Children in need on Friday 15th November 
- Dress as an elf (possibly in December)
- Christmas jumper day (possibly in December)

Upcoming Dates 
Wednesday 25th Sep - Urban Nature project visit
Wednesday 2nd - 4th October - Residential
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 11th Oct - Farm visit as a WW2 evacuee (dress up)
Friday 18th Oct - Dress as a farmer
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies KS2 9.15 - 10am
Friday 18th Oct - Autumn Fest 5 - 7pm
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 

Please email me or contact a member of the year 4 team if you have any questions comments or concerns. 

Kind regards,

The year 4 team. 
🍂🍁🎃🌰 😊