Friday 21 June 2024

Week 3: PSHE lesson, home learning, spellings and dates


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine. I have reminded the children that now the sun has decided to make an appearance sunscreen and sun-hats would be good where possible to protect them from the sun.   

In English and guided reading we will be looking at poetry and so this week's home learning is for the children to have a go at writing their own free verse poem. Follow the link here for more information about free verse but the general rule is there are no rules, making it a great entry into poetry. 
The children were sent paper home learning sheets but an electronic copy can be found here

Here are the spellings for this week:


In this week's PSHE lesson we talked about the changes that children should expect as they start puberty and the proper names for male and female body parts. In next week's PSHE lesson we will be discussing periods and wet dreams in more detail. 

Upcoming dates:
Tuesday 25th June - Class photos
Thursday 27th June - DMS transition assembly with Mrs Ray and Mr Webb
Friday 28th June - Non school uniform day for POWSA Summer fayre 

Thursday 4th July - Middle school transfer Day
Friday 5th July - Dance Day
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (9.15am - 11am)
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

As ever, if you have any questions please get in touch. 
Kind regards,
The Year 4 team

Thursday 13 June 2024

This week's PSHE lesson, home learning and dates


Hello everyone,

It's been a very busy week in year 4, with visits from Mrs Hudson and Mrs Ray, as well as the roundhouse daubing activity. The children may start beginning to have some strong emotions as we head towards the end of term - a reaction that is completely normal. In tomorrow's PSHE lesson we will be looking at emotions and I have detailed some information about the lesson below.  Further down, in the blog there are details about the spellings and home learning, and finally some dates for your diaries.  

This Friday's PSHE lesson
In this week's PSHE lesson we will be talking about emotions and how during puberty emotions and feelings can be heightened. 

The neuroscience behind brain development in adolescence is fascinating and  understanding the development of teenagers' brains can help us understand physically why they may have certain reactions. One part of the brain which can explain why teenagers can suddenly start interpreting hostility and conflict from events and spoken words (that adults may see as neutral and well intentioned) is the limbic system. The limbic system is responsible for processing emotions such as anger and sensitivity to danger and as this area develops teenagers and preteens can become very sensitive to perceived criticism and potential threats. Meanwhile the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for reasoning, thinking, logic, creativity and controlling one's behaviour, doesn't fully develop until the mid twenties. This is why teenagers and young adults can be ruled by their emotions and can have less regard for potential consequences. 

We won't go into the details of neuroscience with the children but I thought it may be helpful for you as parents and carers to have an understanding of why your child might start acting differently in the future and to try to not take these behaviours personally. 

In class, children will engage in role plays as either a teenager or parent to practice the art of compromise exploring potential areas of conflict, using the below approach:

Listen. Share. Sort

I listen to you and understand your feelings and thoughts.

I share my feelings and thoughts

We sort this out together (finding a compromise) 

At the end of the PSHE session, the children will be reminded that it's so important to talk to parents/carers/trusted adults as they can help us to work out the best thing to do.  

This week's home learning is for children to practise their leavers speech so that they are ready to be filmed by Mr Spracklen in the upcoming weeks. Children also have a slip to return with the song they would for the assembly (if they haven't already returned this).  

Logan spellings

Avant Garde spellings

Upcoming events and dates:
Monday 17th June - Circus 
Friday 21st June - Wear something blue (non school uniform day) Fundraiser for dreamflight - suggested donation £1.  

Monday 24th June - Class photos
Thursday 27th June - DMS transition assembly with Mrs Ray and Mr Webb
Friday 28th June - Non school uniform day for POWSA Summer fayre 

Thursday 4th July - Middle school transfer Day
Friday 5th July - Dance Day
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (10.30am - 11.30am)
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

Friday 7 June 2024

Welcome back to Summer term 2


Welcome back to the final term of year 4 at the Prince of Wales school. 

The children have had a wonderful week which culminated in their sleepovers in the roundhouse. The children had lots of fun around the campfire and exploring the school grounds in the dark. Whilst I can't say much sleep was had on either night, the children were lovely with each other and every child can say they spent a night sleeping in the roundhouse. 

The children received their leavers hoodies during their roundhouse sleepovers. They are welcome to wear them instead on their school jumpers until the end of term now. 

We have started working on leavers award speeches and next week the home learning will be for the children to learn their speeches ready for filming. 

Roundhouse Project
Having slept in the old roundhouse this week, next week the children will be working on building the new roundhouse. 

On Monday and Tuesday the children will be helping to add to daub to the roundhouse frame.  

On Monday, please could children come to school to school in outdoor clothing (suitable for the weather. Clothes usually worn for Forest School activities (clothes you don't mind getting dirty) would be best. Children should also have wellies or sturdy shoes to ensure safety during the workshops. On Monday children should also bring school clothes and shoes to get changed into after the workshop. 

On Tuesday, please could the children come to school in school uniform but bring a change of clothes suitable for the daubing workshop.     

This week's home learning and spellings
For this week's home learning the children were asked to do a survey and tally chart of the electrical sockets in the rooms of their homes ahead of next week's Science lesson on electricity. The children have been sent home with a paper copy but an electronic version can be found here
The children have also been asked to return a slip with the song they woudllike for their leavers assembly video.  


Avant Garde:

Upcoming dates:
Monday 10th June - Roundhouse workshop am (come to school in outdoor clothes)
Tuesday 11th June - Roundhouse workshop pm (bring outdoor clothes to get changed into)
Thursday 13th June (am) - Mrs Hudson to meet with children going to St Osmund's
Thursday 13th June (pm) - Mrs Ray to meet with children going to DMS
Thursday 27th June - DMS transition assembly with Mrs Ray and Mr Webb
Monday 24th June - Class photos

Thursday 4th July - Middle school transfer Day
Friday 5th July - Dance Day
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (am)
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term

As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please get in touch with a member of the team. 

Kind regards,
The year 4 team.