A few notes............
- A reminder for those children taking part in the rugby tomorrow (you know who you are), don't forget a packed lunch as you will be leaving early, bring a drink and an extra snack for afterwards, I also suggest you bring trainers (that you don't mind getting muddy), and some tracksuit bottoms in case it gets cold!!!
- Trip to Bovington Tank Museum on Monday - children to dress up in their WW2 costumes from the Nothe Fort + bring a packed lunch - a few reply slips still needed in please!
- Something new..........tomorrow children will be bringing home a "Big Talk" home learning task for Friday - it will be explained on the sheet, so a heads up to check book bags tomorrow evening - the children will be required to discuss a picture with you that will be the basis for a piece of independent, extended writing on Friday (we will also be discussing this in class tomorrow too) - they will be allowed to bring in a special pencil for the Big Write too!
- Invites will be coming home on Friday for our VE Day Tea Dance party next Thursday afternoon, so please keep that free in your diaries if possible!
In science we began our Science/DT project, researching all about particular dietary needs, in preparation for our cooking! (Some budding medical practitioners!!!!!) In RE we looked at the symbolism of Christmas, both commercial and christian, we then explored the nativity story with a focus on symbolism! (We need to get our creative brains on for next week when we will be embarking on a collaborative learning project based around this theme!)
Keep warm (it's really chilly!!!!!!!! You can probably hear my teeth chattering!)
Year 4 Team
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