Sunday 19 May 2013

POW Netball Tournament

POW Netball Tournament
On Saturday, the school was full of buzz and excitement with lots of different stalls and activities set up. There were also several children dressed in their PE kit ready for the netball and football tournaments that were about to take place. We welcomed netball teams from Piddle Valley, Milborne, Puddletown and Winterborne schools and all began warming up ready for the first match.
There was some fantastic netball being played by all teams and the tournament was well underway.
Group A winners were Prince of Wales after a fantastic attacking team effort in their last match putting them through to the final on goal difference.
Group B winners were Piddle Valley 1 with a brilliant use of the bounce pass into the D to create several goal scoring opportunities.
POW vs PV1
In the tense final, with many team mates and parents cheering on the side lines, both teams played brilliantly. Piddle Valley's speed of passing and movement began to tip the scoreline in their favour before half time. In the final half Prince of Wales did well to get some goals back. But the clock had run out... Piddle Valley won 8-3. Mr Farrington presented the winners with the POW trophy and congratulated all the children for taking part in some excellent netball.
Thank you to all who watched and cheered the teams along and to all the competing schools. A big thank you to Miss Roberts for organising the fantastic event with the most teams ever competing at the POW summer netball tournament.

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