Monday 6 May 2013

I've finally woken up so here's a bit about Fairthorne.

As you all know year 4 went on their residential trip last week to Fairthorne. We were incredibly lucky with the weather! It was beautiful all the time we were there and it just added to the enjoyment of being there. There were even a few red necks (one of them being mine) by the end of the week.
The children took part in lots of activities whilst we were there including (deep breath), Kayaking, canoeing, abseiling, zip-wiring, going down an aqua slide, bouncing on something called a jumpy pillow, singing around a camp fire, night walks, den building, pond dipping, archery AND taking a trip down the river on a boat! 
I don't think there was one person that didn't enjoy all the activities and the children all gave their maximum in completing each activity. All the children showed incredibly bravery, confidence and determination throughout the week when taking part in each activity and each and every one should be incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements - I know I am!

We were guided through the week by fabulous members of staff at Fairthorne manor that made each activity interesting and fun. Our two liaison guides (one of them affectionately named 'Big Bear' by the children) were brilliant and ensured that we were always happy. 
I'm sure the children have told you all about their weeks and we will be working towards writing a chronological diary of the events at Fairthorne in the coming weeks so they have something to remember such a fantastic few days! 

Overall it was a great week with many new memories created and shared, and all the children represented themselves and the Prince of Wales School to the highest level. I am glad the trip coincided with a bank holiday weekend though! Enjoy the extra day off! 


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