Friday 24 May 2013

Half term home learning...

The children have been set the challenge of writing a poem during the holidays. We hope they have been inspired after their bracing walk to Maiden Castle on Thursday!
We reinacted many fight scenes between the Celts and Romans, therefore the children have been asked to write a poem focussing on either group and what life must have been like back then.
 It can be an Acrostic, Haiku, Cinquain, rhyming or non-rhyming poem, any poem structure is welcome! Also to present however they wish! Good luck and we can't wait to read them.

Homophone homework - results?!

Well, I did say that I would blog to state the family winners. A great turn out by a lot of the class, some great finds too especially homonyms (words spelt the same but mean different things) like shoot, spelt, foundation, I could go on! Homographs were more tricky due to pronunciation being different...
Anyway, our finalists were the Bishop family, the Munday family, the Mead family, the Bascombe family, the Duncalf family and the Stevens family with all families finding 40+ words. The winner was........ the Duncalf family! Well done John and his family for a super effort of 76 words found!

Spellings for half term!?

Here are the spellings for this half term. The focus is plurals (more than one) and the rules that the children should know in regards to making more than one. Ask them; when do we add an s, es, drop the y then add ies or in a word ending in an o, what do you add then?!
 Lastly two words to aid to our vocabulary, find out what 'puerile and impedes' mean? Add them to your writing repertoire
Spelling – Year 4 – 27th May 2013

Choose your list and learn these spellings for next week.

List 1 –
List 2–
List 3 –
List 4 –


Tuesday 21 May 2013

More pleading!

Hello all,

Just a couple of things:
1.  Year 4 are out on our Maiden Castle walk this Thursday so if any parents are free (just for the morning) and want to join us please let us know. The more the merrier.
2. We are still making a whole class mosaic and we would be humbly grateful for any spare tiles that anyone may have lying around - we have a quite lot of white, orange and brown so any other colours would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Monday 20 May 2013

POWSA Silent Auction

POWSA Silent Auction

The silent auction started at the Summer Fair on Saturday 18th May and will be drawn on the morning of Wednesday 22nd May - so you still have time to bid for one of the items! Please go to the school office for a bid form.

Item 1 - a set of second hand ladies golf clubs with a brand new golf bag. 

Item 2 – A family ticket to Wookey Hole Caves and attractions

Item 3 – Family ticket to Lulworth Castle

Item 4 - 2 child tickets to Fleet Air Arm Museum.

Item 5 - 2 child tickets to Marwell Zoo.

Item 6 – White Company Fragrance Set.

Item 7 – A ladies bag and 2 scarves.

Item 8 – 3 course Dinner for two at Moonfleet Manor (excluding drinks).

Item 9 – Lunch for two at Olives et al

Item 10 - Green Fee voucher for four people at Came Down Golf Club

Sunday 19 May 2013

Homophone challenge!

For this week's home learning we have set the challenge (or a family challenge!!) to find out as many homophones as possible!
A homophone is a word which has another word that sounds exactly the same however they are spelt differently and have different meanings (i.e. tale and tail, see and sea).
Good luck; the family which takes up the challenge will be congratulated on the blog at the end of the week! Likewise individual children will be rewarded for their efforts.


This week's spellings...

This week's spelling list 2, 3 and 4 have the focus of 'prefix'. The prefix 're' states that the verb is repeated and the prefix 'dis' makes the root word change to mean the opposite!
Spelling – Year 4 – 20th May 2013

List 1 –
List 2–
List 3 –
List 4 –

How different are we to the Celts?

This week in Literacy we will be exploring further how Celtic Tribes lived. Using this information we are going to write an explanation text answering the question:

How does our life compare to the Celts?

Focusing on food, buildings, clothing and tools as areas of comparison. Any reading or research (see pupil links) you can do about the Celts lifestyle would be an excellent way to help build up our knowledge and understanding ready for our writing.

Post a comment with your favourite piece of information that you have found out...

POW Netball Tournament

POW Netball Tournament
On Saturday, the school was full of buzz and excitement with lots of different stalls and activities set up. There were also several children dressed in their PE kit ready for the netball and football tournaments that were about to take place. We welcomed netball teams from Piddle Valley, Milborne, Puddletown and Winterborne schools and all began warming up ready for the first match.
There was some fantastic netball being played by all teams and the tournament was well underway.
Group A winners were Prince of Wales after a fantastic attacking team effort in their last match putting them through to the final on goal difference.
Group B winners were Piddle Valley 1 with a brilliant use of the bounce pass into the D to create several goal scoring opportunities.
POW vs PV1
In the tense final, with many team mates and parents cheering on the side lines, both teams played brilliantly. Piddle Valley's speed of passing and movement began to tip the scoreline in their favour before half time. In the final half Prince of Wales did well to get some goals back. But the clock had run out... Piddle Valley won 8-3. Mr Farrington presented the winners with the POW trophy and congratulated all the children for taking part in some excellent netball.
Thank you to all who watched and cheered the teams along and to all the competing schools. A big thank you to Miss Roberts for organising the fantastic event with the most teams ever competing at the POW summer netball tournament.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Year 4 at Cranborne!

Year 4 went on their trip to Cranborne today and I'm pleased to say that it was fantastic! The weather was great and the children were all really enthusiastic as well. All the children had a go at doing 4 different activities:

1. Chalk painting - The children first had to get the chalk, crush it into a powder then add it to water to make a chalk paint (some got more messy than others).
2. Dyeing - We found out about all sorts of different plants and their special properties. Some of the plants we looked at could be used to dye sheep's wool and cloth so we collected them and popped them into a pot with water over a fire and Low and behold... we had dyed fabrics! 
3. Grain - The children all had a go at grinding spelt wheat into flour - the bread may turn out to be more WHOLE grain...
4. Blacksmithing - We got to make a latch for a gate and some nails in the forge. Children had a go at both smelting and hammering the metal into shape. 
A BIG thank you has to go to the members of the Ancient Technology Centre team for setting up such an interesting day!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Note about Cranborne

Hello everyone, 
Just a quick note to say that the year 4 trip to Cranborne is THIS Thursday! The permission slip you received may have said the trip wasn't until June where instead it should have been May so we apologise for that. 
We're hoping the weather will be better than today but we would like children to be prepared for any weather scenario - Wellies, raincoat, waterproofs, sun hat, sun cream.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Home learning for 10th May


Home learning – 10th May

As you may well know we’ve been studying the Romans this term and towards the end of the term we are planning to have a Roman day where all the children dress up as Romans and do a rota of activities throughout the day… One of the activities will be a mock Roman battle, including tactics and formations etc. With this in mind we would like the children to design and make a Roman shield that could be used! It could be made out of thick cardboard or wood and contain your family ‘Coat of Arms’ on the front!
We will be giving you two weeks (until the 24th May) to complete this piece of home learning so there will be NO home learning next week.

I look forward to seeing your creations! 

I've included two websites for possible ideas:

Thursday 9 May 2013

Roman Catapults!

Year 4 have been making Roman catapults in small groups this afternoon. They were split into small teams and given a bunch of items without any instructions other than to 'make a catapult' I must say how impressed I was with the levels of teamwork that the children showed as they worked together to make their catapults. After a little while we gave the children a set of instructions, with pictures, to follow. Every group made a working catapult that could fire a small tin foil ball so WELL DONE! I've added the video this design came from if anyone wanted to try making one at home. I apologise in advance for any broken jugs or vases. 


Wednesday 8 May 2013

School music Soiree

On Friday 10th May a letter will be sent out to all children who learn instruments or who partake in music sessions within The Prince of Wales School to come and perform at the Summer Soiree 2013! We endeavour to involve all children whether beginner or an advanced player. The choir will also perform as well as recorder groups. Please fill out the slip accordingly and return to the school office asap.
If your child has music lessons outside of school but would also like to perform then please drop by and speak to me, we'll endeavour to involve all who wish to perform!
Orchestra  - the children are doing really well with rehearsing the two songs. With six sessions left before the school concert it is important that all children make rehearsals as the premise is to get all playing well with each other!
Choir - again, six sessions to go before our big performance! The sunny lunchtimes are tempting children not to attend. Please talk to your child about 'sticking to attending'. We are trying to give the children some time after choir to go outside too. We do keep a register, so please see me if any queries?
Finally the summer term is the culmination of music practice. So if your child is showing an interest in beginning an instrument then please inform either the school office or myself and we'll place their names on lists for September.

Mrs Mewett

Monday 6 May 2013

I've finally woken up so here's a bit about Fairthorne.

As you all know year 4 went on their residential trip last week to Fairthorne. We were incredibly lucky with the weather! It was beautiful all the time we were there and it just added to the enjoyment of being there. There were even a few red necks (one of them being mine) by the end of the week.
The children took part in lots of activities whilst we were there including (deep breath), Kayaking, canoeing, abseiling, zip-wiring, going down an aqua slide, bouncing on something called a jumpy pillow, singing around a camp fire, night walks, den building, pond dipping, archery AND taking a trip down the river on a boat! 
I don't think there was one person that didn't enjoy all the activities and the children all gave their maximum in completing each activity. All the children showed incredibly bravery, confidence and determination throughout the week when taking part in each activity and each and every one should be incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements - I know I am!

We were guided through the week by fabulous members of staff at Fairthorne manor that made each activity interesting and fun. Our two liaison guides (one of them affectionately named 'Big Bear' by the children) were brilliant and ensured that we were always happy. 
I'm sure the children have told you all about their weeks and we will be working towards writing a chronological diary of the events at Fairthorne in the coming weeks so they have something to remember such a fantastic few days! 

Overall it was a great week with many new memories created and shared, and all the children represented themselves and the Prince of Wales School to the highest level. I am glad the trip coincided with a bank holiday weekend though! Enjoy the extra day off!