Thursday, 27 February 2025

What's happening in Year 4 this term


Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you had a wonderful half-term break following the incredible success of your child’s Shakespeare performance!

This half-term is set to be another exciting and engaging few weeks, filled with learning and activities.

Design Technology Field Trip – Tuesday, 4th March
You should have received both an email and a paper letter regarding this trip. If you haven’t yet done so, please return your consent form to a member of the team. Additionally, please inform Ms. Browne whether your child will need staff transport or if you will be meeting us at the destination.

For children travelling with staff, please ensure they arrive at the front of the school by 8:30 am sharp for departure.

World Book Day – Thursday, 6th March
Children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day. Throughout the week, we will also be welcoming mystery readers to share a story with the class. Thank you to those who have already volunteered—we still have a few slots available if anyone else would like to take part!

Wessex Singing Schools Concert – Sunday, 17th March, 6:00 pm
A letter detailing this concert was emailed to families at the beginning of February. As part of their music curriculum, the children have been learning a selection of songs with specialist teaching from Mrs. Trevorrow. We look forward to seeing you at the concert—please refer to the letter for full details.

Year 4 Assembly – Friday, 21st March, 3:00 pm
Our class assembly will take place on Friday, 21st March at 3:00 pm. Details of roles and lines will be sent home in due course.

Home Learning
Home learning will now be sent home each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. On this day, children should also bring in their reading records.

In addition to their weekly home learning, children should continue practising their times tables, spellings, and regular reading, recording their progress in their reading journals. An electronic version of the home learning is available here should paper copies not make it home. 
Spellings have already been sent home—please find screenshots copied below.

Thank you for your continued support. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.  

Upcoming Dates
Friday 28th Feb - Break the rules days 
Tuesday 4th March - Design Technology field trip 
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Monday 17th March - Singing Concert
Friday 21st March - Year 4 Class assembly
Wednesday 2nd April - Last Year 4 farm trip
Friday 4th April - Last day of term

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