Friday, 10 January 2025

Week 2 in Year 4


What an incredible start to 2025 Year 4 have had!

The children had a fantastic visit to London on Wednesday, and all the staff were full of praise for their  behaviour throughout the day. I have been so impressed with how well they have continued to focus and work hard for the rest of the week, despite such a busy midweek adventure. I imagine there will be some very tired children this weekend!

Looking Ahead to Next Week

We have even more exciting visits and activities planned to educate and inspire the children:

🔹 Monday – Performance Day Orientation Visit
This trip will give the children an opportunity to prepare for their upcoming performance. If you haven’t yet given your consent, please do so as soon as possible. The children will travel by coach and return in time for lunch. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle and a small snack for the morning.

🔹 Wednesday – Planetarium Visit
We are thrilled to be welcoming a mobile planetarium to school, which promises to be an unforgettable, out-of-this-world experience!

🔹 Thursday – Singing with Mrs Trevorrow
Year 4 will begin learning songs in preparation for a singing concert in March, held at Thomas Hardy School alongside other local first schools. More details will be shared soon.

Home Learning

📜 Shakespeare Performance – Learning Lines
Please continue to support your child in learning their lines. I have been so impressed by those who have already memorised them—it makes a huge difference! From Week 3 of term, I would like the children to rehearse without holding their scripts.

📚 Times Tables Booklets
Please return all times tables booklets on Monday. The children will receive their Week 2 booklet on Monday (13th), and the expectation is that they will complete it over the week before we mark it together in class. This week, they will be focusing on the 12 times table, using their knowledge of the 10 and 2 times tables to support their learning. If your child’s booklet doesn’t make it home, let me know, and I’ll provide another.

📝 Spellings
We have assessed the children’s spellings this week and will update their personal spelling lists as soon as they have been marked and uploaded. This week’s spellings are listed below. The children will receive a paper copy on Tuesday and are encouraged to practise using Spelling Shed whenever possible.

Thank you for your continued support—I look forward to another brilliant week ahead!

Upcoming dates:
Monday 13th Jan - Performance Orientation visit
Wednesday 15th Jan - Planetarium experience
Thursday 16th Jan - Year 4 parent information session 9am - 9.20am

Thursday 6th Feb - Late parents' evening
Wednesday 12th Feb - Shakespeare Performance Day
Friday 14th Feb - Last day of term

Monday 24th Feb - INSET
Tuesday 25th Feb - All children return to school

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