Wednesday 9 October 2024

Wellies for Friday, Home Learning and upcoming dates


Hello everyone,

I hope you and your child had a relaxing weekend after their successful residential last week. The children were amazing and should be very proud of themselves.

Food, Faith and Farming weekend has started with lots of related activities this week and next. On Friday of this week children should attempt to come to school dressed as a WW2 evacuee for our farm evacuation experience. It has been very wet recently so please ensure that every child has some mud-proof boots or wellingtons please.

A hard copy of this week's home learning should be coming home today (apologies for the one day delay). As well as regular reading, practising times tables and spellings, children have been challenged to be creative and create something related to Autumn. 

The children have been given their RWI spellings and they also have their own individual spelling lists. 
I strongly encourage children to regularly practice their spellings, on spelling shed if possible although I can provide additional paper sheets as required.
There are other activities on spelling shed but the optimal way for spelling practise in below:

Upcoming dates
From Monday 7th Oct - Food, Faith and Farming fortnight
Friday 11th Oct - Farm visit as a WW2 evacuee (dress up)
Friday 18th Oct - Dress as a farmer
Friday 18th Oct - Harvest Festival assemblies KS2 9.15 - 10am
Friday 18th Oct - Autumn Fest 5 - 7pm
Monday 21st Oct - Early Parents' evening
Thursday 24th Oct - Late Parents' evening 
Friday 25th Oct - Last Day of term


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