Saturday 18 May 2024

Important notice about class trips, home learning and other dates


This week's class trip

We have our class trip on Wednesday 22nd May. All children have been given a paper copy of the trip letter which was emailed to you electronically. If you haven't already, please could you use school gateway to give your consent to your child attending the trip. 

We will be leaving at 8.45am so could all children arrive at school on Wednesday at 8.30am please. 

Children should bring:
- water bottle
- healthy snack
- swimming costume
two sets of clothes for the day -  of clothes that you are happy to get wet and / or muddy:
trainers and tracksuit trousers or shorts; hoodie or jumper; lightweight rain jacket
- towel

Class experience after half term
In the week directly after half term, we have our overnight class activity. If you haven't already, please can you return the paper consent forms that have been sent home by Friday 24th May. If you have any questions about this activity please speak to a member of the team. 

Home learning
This week's home learning is for the children to practice times tables and start reflecting on which tables they still need to learn. They have been given a paper sheet of tables to complete and have also been sent a purple mash times tables 2Do to complete. 
After half term there will be the national year 4 multiplication tables check. It would be wonderful if all the children could practice and prepare for this test as much as possible but more importantly, it will benefit your child to have a secure recall of tables going into year 5.    

Here are the spellings for this and next week:


Avant Garde:

Upcoming dates
Wednesday 22nd May - Class trip
Friday 24th May - End of term and non school uniform day

Monday 3rd June - All children return to school
From 3rd June - Multiplication tables checks start
Wednesday 5th June - Boys event
Thursday 6th June - Girls event
Monday 24th June - Class photos

Thursday 4th July - Middle school transfer Day
Friday 5th July - Dance Day
Saturday 6th July - POWSA Summer fayre
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 sports day (am)
Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly and last day of term
As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please get in touch with a member of the year 4 team. 

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