Hello everyone,
This week, the children have continued working with fractions, have learnt about some of the issues facing wildlife and have enjoyed developing toothpick and plasticine pavilion frames in DT.
On Tuesday, the children that will be transitioning to Dorchester Middle School met with Mrs Ray, (assistant headteacher and head of year 5) and Mrs Hurst (teaching assistant). They enjoyed chatting to Mrs Ray and Mrs Hurst and getting to know one another informally. On Friday, Mrs Whiting (DMS year 5 tutor) will come and meet the children informally during the playtime after lunch.
Hooke court and Roundhouse sleepovers
On Friday 19th May, we will have the Hooke court parent and child information session at 3pm (we will also talk briefly about the roundhouse sleepovers). It would be great to see as many of you there as possible as it is a great opportunity to learn alongside your child what to expect and to answer any questions you or your child may have.
Home learning
For this week's home learning, we would really like the children to focus on their times tables They have been sent home with a double A4 sheet of tables questions and as well as regular TTRS sessions they have a 2do on purple mash which is designed to look like the actual multiplication check.
Dates Coming up
Next week is our #InspiredToLearn Global Awareness Week (in partnership with Development Education in Dorset - DEED). Children will get the chance to share their heritage and will have two cultural workshops.
Monday 22nd May - we are inviting children in all classes to celebrate the cultural wealth of our school. Children are welcome to wear clothing associated with
their families cultural heritage and/or bring in items to share with their class.
Friday 26th May - Year 4 fishing trip / last day of term.
Monday 5th June - All children back to school.
5th June - 16th June - Multiplication tables checks will be administered
26th June - Class photographs
As ever, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Ms Browne, Mr MacBean and the year 4 team