On the day we know it is going to be a bit of a squeeze fitting everyone into the hall, so please come early to the coffee morning and to bag your seats for the 10:20 start. We are also aware that other schools will have broken up by this point, so with demand for seats high we would ask that places are reserved for parents and siblings only. Films shown in the performance will be available online after the event if you wish to show other relatives. Please come and see a member of the team if you are not able to attend and need to send a relative in your place.
Also on the last day of term the children often like to get their t-shirts signed, if your child wishes to do this please get them to bring a t-shirt or dress along, this can be in a bag - much easier for signing or it could be worn. If you do not wish your child to sign their clothing then please let them and us know so they don't spoil any best t-shirts!
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