Home learning and News - Year 4 - Summer Week 11
12th July 2019
Nearly there!
Here we are! How did it happen? The end of the summer term of year 4. One last home learning!
After thoroughly enjoying their pyjama swim this week, next week Wednesday 17th July will be the swimming gala. Year 3 and 4 will be taking part and Year 2 and parents are invited to come and watch. You are welcome to come and watch from 2pm, you will be free to take your child straight home afterwards from the pool. Please pack 2 towels for your child for this event so that they have one dry one to sit at the side of the pool. If you are not picking up from the gala we may be a little late back to school from this event as we will have 60+ children to change and organise!
We will be finishing our filming this week! If your child was away last week and missed being filmed they will need a costume showing what they would like to be when they grow up, eg a white coat for a vet, a police outfit, a suit or jacket and briefcase. Some children: Euan, Sophie, Matilda, Mai, James, Tom, Evie, Flynn, Freddie, Ziva, Josie, Harry DB and Jamie are all dressing up as old people during our leavers assembly, they will need their old people costumes and props for rehearsals next week. Everybody else is a school child and will wear their normal uniform for the assembly.
We were relegated from top position to last in the AR reading stats this week. WE CANT LET THIS HAPPEN!! We must go out on a high year 4. My challenge to you is to go through your bookshelves at home, find all the books you know and love and type them into AR to see if there is a quiz you can take. We need to rack up those points and be top of the pops before we finish! Whilst you are there, could you please find any school reading books / AR books and return them to school by the end of next week.
The children would love to show you their memories of Hooke Court during our open afternoon on Thursday 18th July. Please come along and see what we really got up to on our adventure!
Please remember:
READING, Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.