Sunday 2 December 2018

Year 4 - Home learning - 30th November 2018

Home learning - Year 4 - Week 12
30th November 2018

Christmas Play - The Tempest this morning, A Christmas Carol this afternoon!  The children need to continue to read and begin to remember their lines.  I gave out the scripts last week - please excuse some typos and please help your child with reading and learning their part as rehearsals will start on Monday.   

Costumes -  We are looking for costumes for your child to wear for the performance.  Your child will need one of the following (indicated on individual letter):
1.  A Victorian Costume.
2. A Victorian Urchin Costume - Scruffy / Rags if possible.
3. Spirit (Ghost of Christmas Present and Posse) - Ghostly rags - white, grey or black (sheets or old t-shirts/shorts made to look like rags). Cool rapper accessories such as base ball cap, sunglasses, chains(paper), trainers and funky socks.
4. Scrooge - We have got nightshirt and caps, but will need a Victorian Jacket and Top Hat to put over the top for the beginning and end scenes.
5.  Spectre, Ghost of Christmas Past and Marley - Ghostly grey/white or black ragged outfit (old sheet, or tatty t-shirt and shorts/trousers made to look like rags). We will be using face paints and talcum powder in hair - please let us know if your child is NOT able to have this done.
Please provide your child's costume in a named bag or hanger by Friday 14th December.

Your part is:

Class Target: Entering a competition
As you have seen through the letter sent home earlier this week we are hoping to enter the Premier League Primary Stars poetry writing competition.  The theme for the poem is all about diversity, using inspiration from the poem written specially for Premier League Writing Stars, Beautifully different, Wonderfully the same by Joseph Coelho. The poem and subject encourage us to think of ways to celebrate similarities and differences that bring us together, and these are themes that run through this programme.  Last year we had a winner and highly commended entry from our school and there are some great prizes on offer. The competition closes on December 21st, so there are a couple of weeks to go to complete this one.

Mathletics - I have set some more activities for Mathletics, please log on and complete as many as you can.

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