We are keeping our fingers crossed for Harry who did his tap exam last week and is eagerly waiting the results, he also has a ballet exam coming up which we wish him the very best of luck for. On Wednesday and Thursday this coming week he is also performing in the Dorchester Youth Theatre production of Alice in Wonderland (at the corn exchange-I think, or it could be the Arts Centre!?!? Need to check with Harry on that one!!!) Do go along if you can, phone first to see if you need tickets, but I am sure it will be fantastic!!!!!
Talking of talented Year 4, the music soirée is this week and I cannot wait to see all the children perform as there is so much talent and all the children have been inspiring each other to take up musical instruments!!!!
And yet MORE talent.......Good Luck Rocco, who is, as we speak, in Italy in preparation for the World Biathle Series competition, representing Great Britain on Sunday-we are all cheering for you here and can't wait to hear how you get on and definitely want to see your Team GB outfit!!!!!
A note cam home tonight about costumes for our Roman Day on Tuesday 23rd June, look out for the food list at some point this week! The letter also included a costume request for our leavers assembly - please come and ask any questions if it didn't make sense!!!! :-)
Have a fabulous weekend enjoying the glorious weather, and have fun at the school fair if you can make it!!!!!!!
Mrs. J and the Fab Y4 Team!!!
Ps there is still time to dig out your Indian Saris and outfits and come and join us for the carnival on Saturday 20th June, we need more people, which would also make us look so colourful and vibrant dancing along (parents too!!!)
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