Good evening everyone!
Bits and bobs: sports morning on Monday, we are displaying skills first at approximately 9:10, and races at approx 10:10! (Children and PARENTS, bring trainers!!!!! Also sun hats depending on the weather!)
Tuesday=Cranbourne Day, late return and wear old play clothes!!!! Don't forget your packed lunch!!!!! I will do running club for those that would like it!!!!
Wednesday = swimming gala! drop at pool as usual and stay to watch in the gallery! it will run for 1 hour! (Don't worry mums and dads, you won't be expected to race too!!!!) also we will be filming our Leavers DVD today, so please wear home clothes (NO uniform) and some fun/funny accessories may be brought in too!!!!
Thursday = Transfer Day!!!! Where has that time gone????? You will need to go to your new school, NOT here!!!!
Friday = Normal!!!!!! Phew!!!!!
Congratulations to Fynn, who won the art competition!!!! Good luck on your mud run this week-end too, a tough event!!!!!
Well done to Polly, who did extremely well in her singing - top marks!!!!!!
Ben S and Erin represented our school, along with other DASP children, at the Houses of Parliament this Thursday, they met Oliver Letwin and presented him with ALL our "send a friend to school" models - a cause where we were appealing to world leaders to ensure ALL children across the world go to school. Something which was promised some years ago, and has yet to be achieved!!!! Great job you two, lots of photos taken so look out for them in newspapers etc and I think they enjoyed having a bit of a "snoop" around, spotting the golden throne which the Queen sits on when she goes there!!!!
Finally, the finale to our "Roman" collaborative learning project today. All groups prepared and presented their projects, which they had spent 2 weeks working on!!!!!! All very different!!!! Each group could explain their learning, the learning skills they used, how they worked as a team, why they chose to create it the way they did and were able to reflect on what went well and even better if!!!! Super successful.......we had posters, models, woodwork, cakes, clay sculptures, movie trailers.......this just went to show their mature level of independent thinking and learning and their creative thinking too......a good culmination of their First School learning experiences from Reception through to Year 4!!!!!!! Well done, outstanding effort - how we are supposed to judge I do not know!!!!!!!!! (That's my week-end gone!!!!!! :-))
Dust off and de-stink your trainers ready for Monday.........have a good week-end!!!!
Mrs. J and The Wonder Team!!!!!!!
Friday, 26 June 2015
Monday, 22 June 2015
Jigsaw 3 and well dones!!!!
Well done to those of you who entered the art competition, the few that did ALL produced stunning work!!!!
A massive well done to the Year 4 Clarinetists who played in assembly today, you were so confident and the standard was superb!!!
Another well done to Georgia, Bea, Fenella, Rocco and Jacob who represented the school in a National Schools Biathle at Leweston school yesterday-a 4th place, a 3rd place and massive PBs all round!!!! Great performances all round.......I was super proud of you all!!!!!
Don't forget tomorrow is Roman day, so come to school in your costumes and don't forget your picnic items - NO running club tomorrow as I reminded you in class!
Jigsaw lesson 3 happened today. The girls and the boys were split for this lesson, but were taught the same information. There was an awful lot to discuss and lots of questions......a few giggles which helped us to relax, but the children were very inquisitive. We discussed puberty today and the changes that will happen to them over the next few years.......personal hygiene, spots, skin care, body hair, body image and peer pressure/social media, crushes and emotions, hormones and menstruation. Please do continue these discussions at home as there may be a lot more questions, I said we would revisit this next week as a whole class to answer any questions that may arise during the week. I would also ask that you reinforce the point that we are all unique and special, that our bodies are our own private things to be respected and that we should think about other peoples feelings and the way we talk to each other. Should any issues arise during the week I will speak to individual parents before or after school.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. J
A massive well done to the Year 4 Clarinetists who played in assembly today, you were so confident and the standard was superb!!!
Another well done to Georgia, Bea, Fenella, Rocco and Jacob who represented the school in a National Schools Biathle at Leweston school yesterday-a 4th place, a 3rd place and massive PBs all round!!!! Great performances all round.......I was super proud of you all!!!!!
Don't forget tomorrow is Roman day, so come to school in your costumes and don't forget your picnic items - NO running club tomorrow as I reminded you in class!
Jigsaw lesson 3 happened today. The girls and the boys were split for this lesson, but were taught the same information. There was an awful lot to discuss and lots of questions......a few giggles which helped us to relax, but the children were very inquisitive. We discussed puberty today and the changes that will happen to them over the next few years.......personal hygiene, spots, skin care, body hair, body image and peer pressure/social media, crushes and emotions, hormones and menstruation. Please do continue these discussions at home as there may be a lot more questions, I said we would revisit this next week as a whole class to answer any questions that may arise during the week. I would also ask that you reinforce the point that we are all unique and special, that our bodies are our own private things to be respected and that we should think about other peoples feelings and the way we talk to each other. Should any issues arise during the week I will speak to individual parents before or after school.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. J
Friday, 19 June 2015
Invitation - Year 4 Mums/Dads and Staff,
"A few of us thought it might be a nice idea to have a get together at the end of Year 4. We came up with the idea of drinks and tapas at the Vivo lounge on Wednesday 15th July, 7:30pm. So, how about it? If you would like to come along, let me know (Louise Greenwood.) See Mrs. Johnson for Louise's number to text her so they can confirm numbers by 30th June.
A reminder about costumes for Roman Day on Tuesday and also costumes for the Leavers assembly!
Thanks to everyone who has signed up for the picnic on Tuesday too!
Please come along on Monday to the Art exhibition in the hall, in the afternoon, it will be spectacular!
Mrs. J and The Team!!!!!
"A few of us thought it might be a nice idea to have a get together at the end of Year 4. We came up with the idea of drinks and tapas at the Vivo lounge on Wednesday 15th July, 7:30pm. So, how about it? If you would like to come along, let me know (Louise Greenwood.) See Mrs. Johnson for Louise's number to text her so they can confirm numbers by 30th June.
A reminder about costumes for Roman Day on Tuesday and also costumes for the Leavers assembly!
Thanks to everyone who has signed up for the picnic on Tuesday too!
Please come along on Monday to the Art exhibition in the hall, in the afternoon, it will be spectacular!
Mrs. J and The Team!!!!!
Monday, 15 June 2015
Jigsaw lesson 2 today
Well done Max, who was selected to be part of the Dorset Badminton Team......I know that you had been aspiring to be like your brothers, all that hard work has paid off, lots of training ahead now!!!! Great stuff, keep it up!!!! YET MORE talented Year 4 children!!!!
I hope you are all working away on your art competition entries, do come in next Monday to enjoy the exhibition in the hall!!!! We have embarked on some exciting artwork well as our Roman collaborative learning projects!
Jigsaw lesson, piece 2: we recapped how we are all unique and that our characteristics come from our parents through the sperm and the egg. We then discussed why people decide to have a baby and how difficult they thought it would be to look after a baby!!! This generated lots of discussion about siblings and how special babies were to their parents but that, quite often, parents had to learn as they went along. We then discussed how creating a baby was a real miracle, with relation to how clever our bodies are at being able to create life. We looked at diagrams of the male and female reproductive system and addressed misconceptions about the names for these parts and where the sperm and eggs are produced. We also looked at a diagram of a baby in the womb.......the children began talking about what they knew about how babies were born and further misconceptions were addressed about where the baby was born from. Many of the children shared how they or their siblings were born!!!! Next Monday we will be talking about puberty and the changes they will face as well as talking about menstruation.
Please come in and ask if you have any questions!
Mrs. J and the Team!
I hope you are all working away on your art competition entries, do come in next Monday to enjoy the exhibition in the hall!!!! We have embarked on some exciting artwork well as our Roman collaborative learning projects!
Jigsaw lesson, piece 2: we recapped how we are all unique and that our characteristics come from our parents through the sperm and the egg. We then discussed why people decide to have a baby and how difficult they thought it would be to look after a baby!!! This generated lots of discussion about siblings and how special babies were to their parents but that, quite often, parents had to learn as they went along. We then discussed how creating a baby was a real miracle, with relation to how clever our bodies are at being able to create life. We looked at diagrams of the male and female reproductive system and addressed misconceptions about the names for these parts and where the sperm and eggs are produced. We also looked at a diagram of a baby in the womb.......the children began talking about what they knew about how babies were born and further misconceptions were addressed about where the baby was born from. Many of the children shared how they or their siblings were born!!!! Next Monday we will be talking about puberty and the changes they will face as well as talking about menstruation.
Please come in and ask if you have any questions!
Mrs. J and the Team!
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
P.s. Those of you headlining in the Music concert tomorrow evening, please make sure your instruments and music are in school tomorrow so that you can be ready to practise during the day when you are called!!!!
Mrs. J
Mrs. J
Bike day today was very exciting.............Year 4 teamed up and designed a smoothie which they made by peddle power!!!!!!! After, in assembly, we had some visitors who awarded us with our silver Eco Award - one away from the highest Green Flag Award!!!! This afternoon in PE we learned and practised racing starts as part of sprints and then practised relay technique, finished off by a 700m run. Great work Year 4. We then worked on our pencil drawing skills and are working on detailed pictures of a chosen, framed part of a bicycle: perspective, shade, tone, texture and detail.
Yesterday Shannon came in to school sporting 4 medals. She told us that she had competed for Dorset in Wales, as part of a team. Her team won 2 golds, a silver and a bronze and that was out of 12 teams!!!! Phenomenal!!!! Well done Shannon!!!
Rocco returned today from Italy, where he represented Great Britain. He came 4th with a big personal best time as well!!!!! What a superb achievement!!! We can't wait to see his GB outfit!!!!
2 more potential Olympians..........keep chasing those dreams everyone-anything and everything is possible!!!!!
PJ swimming tomorrow-normal kits plus you pjs, please come in your uniform as usual!!!!
Well done again Shannon and Rocco.......
A VERY proud Mrs. Johnson
Yesterday Shannon came in to school sporting 4 medals. She told us that she had competed for Dorset in Wales, as part of a team. Her team won 2 golds, a silver and a bronze and that was out of 12 teams!!!! Phenomenal!!!! Well done Shannon!!!
Rocco returned today from Italy, where he represented Great Britain. He came 4th with a big personal best time as well!!!!! What a superb achievement!!! We can't wait to see his GB outfit!!!!
2 more potential Olympians..........keep chasing those dreams everyone-anything and everything is possible!!!!!
PJ swimming tomorrow-normal kits plus you pjs, please come in your uniform as usual!!!!
Well done again Shannon and Rocco.......
A VERY proud Mrs. Johnson
Monday, 8 June 2015
Today's Jigsaw lesson.
Bike it breakfast tomorrow, as we are having a bike day, if there are enough bikes from year 4, we MAY use them in PE!!!!!
A request please, in line with our healthy schools policy (which can be accessed via the website), please could ALL children ensure they are having a fruit or veg snack and put it in the snack tray, fruit and milk are also available in the playground. Thank you.
As I said at the SRE meeting last Thursday, I would blog the outcome of the lesson. Today we discussed how we were unique but that we had characteristics from our birth parents, these special "ingredients" or "genes" were what created us at conception when the sperm (male carrier) joined with the egg (female carrier).........this resulted in all sorts of questions about twins where we dipped into chromosomes. I informed the children about the next couple of lessons.
The Roman Day picnic sign up sheet is in the cloakroom, thank you to those who have already signed up!!!!!
Mrs. J
A request please, in line with our healthy schools policy (which can be accessed via the website), please could ALL children ensure they are having a fruit or veg snack and put it in the snack tray, fruit and milk are also available in the playground. Thank you.
As I said at the SRE meeting last Thursday, I would blog the outcome of the lesson. Today we discussed how we were unique but that we had characteristics from our birth parents, these special "ingredients" or "genes" were what created us at conception when the sperm (male carrier) joined with the egg (female carrier).........this resulted in all sorts of questions about twins where we dipped into chromosomes. I informed the children about the next couple of lessons.
The Roman Day picnic sign up sheet is in the cloakroom, thank you to those who have already signed up!!!!!
Mrs. J
Friday, 5 June 2015
News, requests and luck!
Thank you to those parents that came along to the SRE meeting on Thursday, I hope you found it useful and reassuring, please come and ask any questions that arise. These particular Jigsaw lessons will be on the next 3 Mondays, I will blog that evening to inform you how the lesson went just I case you wish to discuss it at home or if the children want to ask you any questions, then you are ready for them!
We are keeping our fingers crossed for Harry who did his tap exam last week and is eagerly waiting the results, he also has a ballet exam coming up which we wish him the very best of luck for. On Wednesday and Thursday this coming week he is also performing in the Dorchester Youth Theatre production of Alice in Wonderland (at the corn exchange-I think, or it could be the Arts Centre!?!? Need to check with Harry on that one!!!) Do go along if you can, phone first to see if you need tickets, but I am sure it will be fantastic!!!!!
Talking of talented Year 4, the music soirée is this week and I cannot wait to see all the children perform as there is so much talent and all the children have been inspiring each other to take up musical instruments!!!!
And yet MORE talent.......Good Luck Rocco, who is, as we speak, in Italy in preparation for the World Biathle Series competition, representing Great Britain on Sunday-we are all cheering for you here and can't wait to hear how you get on and definitely want to see your Team GB outfit!!!!!
A note cam home tonight about costumes for our Roman Day on Tuesday 23rd June, look out for the food list at some point this week! The letter also included a costume request for our leavers assembly - please come and ask any questions if it didn't make sense!!!! :-)
Have a fabulous weekend enjoying the glorious weather, and have fun at the school fair if you can make it!!!!!!!
Mrs. J and the Fab Y4 Team!!!

Ps there is still time to dig out your Indian Saris and outfits and come and join us for the carnival on Saturday 20th June, we need more people, which would also make us look so colourful and vibrant dancing along (parents too!!!)
We are keeping our fingers crossed for Harry who did his tap exam last week and is eagerly waiting the results, he also has a ballet exam coming up which we wish him the very best of luck for. On Wednesday and Thursday this coming week he is also performing in the Dorchester Youth Theatre production of Alice in Wonderland (at the corn exchange-I think, or it could be the Arts Centre!?!? Need to check with Harry on that one!!!) Do go along if you can, phone first to see if you need tickets, but I am sure it will be fantastic!!!!!
Talking of talented Year 4, the music soirée is this week and I cannot wait to see all the children perform as there is so much talent and all the children have been inspiring each other to take up musical instruments!!!!
And yet MORE talent.......Good Luck Rocco, who is, as we speak, in Italy in preparation for the World Biathle Series competition, representing Great Britain on Sunday-we are all cheering for you here and can't wait to hear how you get on and definitely want to see your Team GB outfit!!!!!
A note cam home tonight about costumes for our Roman Day on Tuesday 23rd June, look out for the food list at some point this week! The letter also included a costume request for our leavers assembly - please come and ask any questions if it didn't make sense!!!! :-)
Have a fabulous weekend enjoying the glorious weather, and have fun at the school fair if you can make it!!!!!!!
Mrs. J and the Fab Y4 Team!!!
Ps there is still time to dig out your Indian Saris and outfits and come and join us for the carnival on Saturday 20th June, we need more people, which would also make us look so colourful and vibrant dancing along (parents too!!!)
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Bike it breakfast - 9th June
On Tuesday 9th June we are holding another "Bike-It-
All children and parents who cycle or scooter to school
will be offered a drink and healthy flapjack.
We will be running
various other Biking and Scooting activities throughout the day.
"Bike-It-Breakfast" coincides with a special assembly we will be having
during the day.
In this assembly, we will be celebrating our
activities as an Eco-School and will be presented with our Eco-Schools
Silver award.
All children and parents who cycle or scooter to school
will be offered a drink and healthy flapjack.
We will be running
various other Biking and Scooting activities throughout the day.
"Bike-It-Breakfast" coincides with a special assembly we will be having
during the day.
In this assembly, we will be celebrating our
activities as an Eco-School and will be presented with our Eco-Schools
Silver award.
Art Competition 2015
Why not get creative this weekend and join in with our "Art of Science and Technology" art competition. All adults and children are invited to take part, producing a 2D or 3D piece in any media.
All entries will be displayed in our pop up art gallery on Monday 22nd of June. This exhibition will be a celebration of our learning in Science and Technology Week through the medium of Art, Craft and Design.
You will also be able to see all entries to our competition. The gallery will be open from 2:30pm and you are welcome to come and browse!
Go on, get creative!
Monday, 1 June 2015
This week......+ notices
Well, here we are in our final half term..........I don't think we have a single "normal" week!!!!
This week: Clarinet is now on a Tuesday morning 9:00 - 9:30 with Mr. Kevin Goodwin from DMS.
On Thursday, at 9:00 in the school hall is our Jigsaw and SRE parents information session for you to see what I will be teaching and to look at the resources being used.
There will be no running club this week, starting back next Tuesday!
Swimming as usual this week.
You may need to start thinking about costumes..........the children will be asked to dress up as a Roman for our Roman day and also, in mind of our Leavers Assembly, I would like each child to wear a super hero outfit - preferably not a bought "Marvel" one but a more "custom - made" one that represents what their superhero persona would be........sporty, musical, funny......etc - shorts/pants over tights or leggings, a top with a made up logo to represent their character, then an optional cape and or eye mask? (Can you guess the theme?) The brighter and more extravagant the better!!!! This will be for the last day of term!
"Why are The Romans so important that the new National Curriculum says I have to teach you about Roman Numerals?" This is our "big" question for the half term......we discussed possibilities and thought of our own questions that we would like to research about The Romans. We also began learning about Roman Numerals - great fun!!!!!!!
Ask your child about the "send a friend to school" campaign?
Mrs. Johnson
This week: Clarinet is now on a Tuesday morning 9:00 - 9:30 with Mr. Kevin Goodwin from DMS.
On Thursday, at 9:00 in the school hall is our Jigsaw and SRE parents information session for you to see what I will be teaching and to look at the resources being used.
There will be no running club this week, starting back next Tuesday!
Swimming as usual this week.
You may need to start thinking about costumes..........the children will be asked to dress up as a Roman for our Roman day and also, in mind of our Leavers Assembly, I would like each child to wear a super hero outfit - preferably not a bought "Marvel" one but a more "custom - made" one that represents what their superhero persona would be........sporty, musical, funny......etc - shorts/pants over tights or leggings, a top with a made up logo to represent their character, then an optional cape and or eye mask? (Can you guess the theme?) The brighter and more extravagant the better!!!! This will be for the last day of term!
"Why are The Romans so important that the new National Curriculum says I have to teach you about Roman Numerals?" This is our "big" question for the half term......we discussed possibilities and thought of our own questions that we would like to research about The Romans. We also began learning about Roman Numerals - great fun!!!!!!!
Ask your child about the "send a friend to school" campaign?
Mrs. Johnson
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