We further embedded our learning about the journey of food through the digestive system by acting it out, then creating a picture map before embarking on writing it up - some of the sentence structure and language being used is of a very high standard!!!!!! (I can't wait to read them when they are finished!
Our giant Fibonacci and Pythagorus spirals are complete and displayed in the school hall, the individual ones are displayed in our cloak room - do come and have a look - they look fantastic! Mr. Farrington visited us whilst we were working on our giant pieces, and taught us more about Pythagorus and his theory - very advanced Year 4 - can you remember what he taught you and tell your parents - remember it involved a right angled triangle and three squares, one attached to each edge of the triangle, the one at the bottom is labelled c, the one on the vertical is labelled b and the hypotenuse is labelled a - the area of square c and b added together = the area of square a, this same calculation can be used for any sized right angled triangle! Try it! Fascinating!
Well done for the superb effort you have put into your home learning - it has been lovely to see all your different approaches and how creative you are as well as your preferred choice of presenting your learning - Brilliant!!!!
We will be visiting the Tank Museum next half term as well as a WW2 learning walk around Dorchester, visiting memorials and the Cenotaph to lay a wreath - dates will follow shortly. We will also then be finishing our WW2 topic at the end of November with a VE Day party and Tea Dance which we would love you to come to - again a date will follow shortly (I will blog it tomorrow!)
As part of our DT next 1/2 term we would like to ask each child to bring in an old piece of clothing which could be used as part of learning about "make do and mend" from WW2 - we hope to be making bunting for the party and possibly bags/purses!?
Thanks everyone - keep up the hard work - and it's been lovely to hear some real progress in your reading (if you haven't covered your reading journal, please do so over the holiday - they then need to be in school unless I send you home with an activity in Guided reading!)
Last but not least, can I ask all of you to take home PE kits over the half term and CHECK SCHOOL JUMPERS - Lots without names and lots of you have LOST them - some of you must be taking the wrong jumpers home, so please could you check and bring back any that you may have by mistake!? Thank you!
Year 4 Team :-)
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