Hello everyone,
On Thursday, we celebrate World Book Day where all children and staff are invited to dress up as a character from a book that they have enjoyed. The book choice is key - even if it's just a prop or a clue, please make sure your child is referencing a book rather than just in non school uniform (Please see the emailed letter for more information about the day).
We are looking for some mystery readers to come and read to year 4 at 3.15pm from Tuesday to Friday. If you are available please let me know as soon as possible.
Teeth Home learning
This week's home learning links to the children's science learning. In addition to the normal spellings, reading and tables practice, the children have been asked to either create a poster showing the names and functions of the different teeth or to log on to Purple Mash to complete a teeth to do activity.
In class we have been discussing the importance of looking after your teeth and we watched an NHS video which has a recommended method to teeth brushing. I told the children I would share the video with families and the children will be challenged to demonstrate correct teeth brushing techniques next week using our model teeth. The NHS video can be accessed here.
During our Art lessons the children have been learning about collage and have studied artists like Henri Matisse and Beatriz Milhazes. The children have been creating artwork inspired by these artists and it has been wonderful to see them experiment and develop their creativity.
Next week, we will be looking at the work of Kurt Schwitters. Schwitters was famous for using random items that could be seen as rubbish in his artwork, like sweet wrappers, bus tickets and old envelopes. On Tuesday the children will be creating their versions of Kurt Schwitters work Pine Trees (picture below). If you have any old items that we could use, we would be very grateful if you could send them in on Tuesday please.
Here are the spellings for this week:
Upcoming Dates:
Monday - Friday - Mystery Readers for Book day
Tuesday 5th March - please send in your collage items
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Friday 8th March - Non school uniform day
Monday 11th March - Wessex Singing festival
Monday 18th March - Bikeability sessions
Tuesday 19th March - Class trip (details to follow shortly)
Thursday 28th March - Mary Anning fossil show (in school)
Friday 29th March - School holidays
Monday 15th April - All children return to school
Friday 19th April - Springfest