Welcome back to Spring term 2 everyone,
Having collected all their class rewards at the end of last term, the class will be having their class celebration on Friday which will be watching their amazing Macbeth performance. The majority of the class voted to dress up and so if your child would like to, please send in change of clothes for your child this Friday.
This term we will be be writing play scripts linked to the book Tar Beach, whilst reading and examining the book The Poet's Dog. We have been doing some spelling assessments this week and so new spellings will come home next week.
In maths we will finish off our multiplication and division unit before looking at fractions. Times tables will continue to be an important element in all aspects of maths this term and we will be focusing on the 6 times tables followed by the 7s and 8s. As ever, we strongly encourage you to encourage your child to practice their tables at home.
In science we will be learning about teeth, digestion and food chains which is often a popular topic. Our humanities topics will see us comparing the human and physical features of the UK, France and Brazil. Whilst learning about the Christian celebration of Easter, whilst exploring the theme of forgiveness.
Thank you to those of you that have returned your child's PE kit. Children should have PE tops, bottoms and shoes that they can change into for their PE lessons. I do appreciate that children grow quickly and that there is only half a year of POW left, so if your child has outgrown their kit please see a member of the year 4 team or POWSA who may be able to find you second hand uniform for a POWSA donation.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 29th February - POWSA Disco
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Monday 11th March - Wessex Singing (
Monday 18th March - Bikeability sessions
Tuesday 19th March - Class trip (details to follow shortly)
Thursday 28th March - Mary Anning fossil show (in school)
Friday 29th March - School holidays
Monday 15th April - All children return to school
Friday 19th April - Springfest
As ever, if you have any questions or comments please talk to a member of the team.
Kind regards,
The year 4 team.