The year 4 Parent information session in this Monday 24th April at 9am.
This provides a great opportunity for me to explain to you what is happening this term, giving you upcoming dates and explaining the multiplication check, roundhouse sleepovers and giving you information about next half term's relationship and sex education PSHE sessions.
The parent information session is also a great opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have and so it would be great to see as many of you there as possible.
This week's home learning:
- Daily times tables practice - focus on x9s and x12s.
- 15 minutes of reading a day. Record this is reading record books.
- Daily or regular spelling practice:
- Mrs Bernard's group; page 1 in spelling booklets (J sound).
- Ms Browne & Mr MacBean's group; page 12 in spelling booklets (add ir)
- Recycling investigation. Children have been sent home a sheet which invites them to create a tally chart of the different types of materials that are recycled at home. We would also like children to draw a bar graph of the number of items found.
As ever, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
Kind regards,
Ms Browne, Mr MacBean, Miss Carney and the Year 4 team.