Hello everyone,
We hope you and your child had a good break and are ready for an exciting Autumn 2 term.
At the start of this term, children will be writing about the Gunpowder Plot in English and will be developing their addition and subtraction skills in maths. In science we will be looking at changing states on matter (water can evaporate or freeze for example) and we will have a Geography focus this term, looking at counties, rivers and the water cycle.
Home learning
The home learning for this week has a short maths and English activity. The activities are deliberately short as I would like as many children as possible to complete their home learning as possible. A link to the home learning sheet can be found here. We now only have two spelling groups. Those children that were previously in Trinkle will now be in Logan. For this term, spellings will be learnt over two weeks.
Please note Year 4 will continue to go swimming this term.
Wednesday 1st November - Poundbury Art workshop (in class)
Friday 3rd November - Children present their ROAR innovations
Friday 10th November - Poundbury Art workshop (in class)
Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Sunday
Tuesday 14th November - World Diabetes Day (children in year 4 may wear blue nail varnish on this day if they wish Link) Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day
From Monday 13th November - Therapeutic Thinking week
Friday 17th November - Children in need day
Monday 20th November - Christmas Box appeal
Thursday 23rd November - School Disco
Friday 1st December - Christmas Technology Day / Dress as an elf / Xmas Jumpers
Week of Monday 4th December - Year 4 passport progress check
Sunday 3rd December - POWSA School Fayre
Tuesday 12th December - Winter performances
Wednesday 13th December - Carol Service (year 4, Reception & Preschool)
Thursday 14th December - Winter performances
Friday 15th December - Last Day of term and Party Day
Tuesday 2nd January - All children return
Monday 15th January - Closing date to apply for middle school (Link) Wednesday 7th February - Shakespeare by the sea (ticket now on sale link)
From next week, the children will start leaning about our Shakespeare performance. In a few weeks children will be asked to decide what sort of role they would like (main part, medium part or small speaking part). It would be helpful if you could talk to your child about the size roles they may like. They should be aware that for main parts there is an expectation that children will need to practice and learn their lines at home.
As ever if you have have any questions or concerns please get in touch.
Kind regards,
The Year 4 Team