Thank you to everyone that was able to come to this week's consultations. It was great getting the chance to meet with you and talk about your wonderful children. If you didn't manage to find a timeslot that worked for you, please get in touch and I will try to find a time when I could meet with you before half term.
We have had a lovely week in year 4 and we have been so impressed by all the children's incredible writing in our WW2 inspired big write. They should all be very proud of themselves. On Thursday, the children looked at different sources of evidence and information and I was very impressed by their thoughtful observations and reflections. Next week, we will be looking at the significance of the Battle of Britain and how the second world war ended.
Home Learning
The children's home learning for this week was to continue working on their World War 2 creations. This home learning was intended to give the children the opportunity to get creative with their learning and was not intended to be something to worry about. The best home learning is that which has been created primarily by the child with support and guidance from parents and carers as needed. Previous home learning creative pieces for our WW2 project have been posters, drawings, cartoon strips, playdough or lego creations. If for example, your child wanted to recreate the evacuation of Dunkirk or the Battle of Britain using their toys and then you emailed me a photo of their creation that would be wonderful. Ideally, if your child's creation could be in school by Wednesday then we have an opportunity to display and celebrate their learning in the school.
Feedback from parents and carers about times tables
Having spoken to many of you this week there were a few common questions and comments about Times Tables.
Your child will be assessed in the times tables in June. Whilst we do cover multiplication in class, helping your child to learn their times tables at home is incredibly beneficial in helping this learning stick.
- If your child doesn't know their tables confidently then Hit the Button may be an option, as the correct answer is among many for your child to choose from.
- Purple mash also has a number of multiplication games your child may enjoy.
- On there are a range of different games to choose from as well as a multiplication check which is similar to the actual check in June. Please only look at this if your child is VERY confident with their times tables.
- Some parents may want to consider making or buying times tables flash cards for opportunities when being on a device isn't suitable. As well as asking your child questions it may also be very motivating for them to ask you or an older sibling. Having them ask the questions will still expose them to the correct answers without the pressure being on them to work out the answer.
- Some families reported that their child find Times Tables Rockstars overly busy and distracting. I have emailed the makers of TTRS and they have given me instructions as to how you can adjust the settings:
1) Once logged in, go to settings:
2) Once in settings, you can select declutter mode (which makes the page less busy) as well as remove timers and change sound settings.
Hopefully these options will give your child an opportunity to learn their times tables in a format that works for them. Last year, I also provided times tables booklets for those children that wanted one. If you would like a paper booklet for your child, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Ms Browne