Hello everyone,
We hope you are having a super weekend so far.
Food, Farming and Faith Fortnight starts tomorrow and we have a range of educational and fun experiences in store for your child.
On Thursday, please could your child come dressed as an evacuee (ready to do some farm work). The forecast is looking like rain over the next few days so please also send them in with a raincoat and shoes or boots that can withstand working in muddy conditions.
This week's home learning was to make a gas mask box. There are plenty of examples on the internet to give you ideas but here is the home learning sheet that was sent home on Friday.
We are all so impressed with year 4 for yet again all completing their home learning. This is fantastic and we are so proud of you all. Well done also to the significant number of children completing their reading record books. These will be collected and looked at on Fridays (but it is helpful for children to bring them into school everyday). As with the home learning, no child will ever be in trouble for not completing their record book. Regular reading has clear educational benefits and recording reading completed is a good habit ready for middle school.
As ever, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please email me or talk to me or a member of the team at the beginning or end of the day.
Kind regards,
Ms Browne, Mrs Hall, Mrs Thompson, Miss Street & Mrs Burgess. xx