Home learning - Year 4 - Spring Week 5
8th February 2019
Science Fair Challenge- Reminder from last week
On Thursday 14th February we will be holding our Science Fair to celebrate the end of Science Week 2019. For home learning I would like you to design a science experiment that you can bring along to the Science Fair. Go for that awe and wonder!
Big Write coming up:
This week we have been looking at the amazing book - Flotsam - and it has really captured the children’s imagination. Next week we will be having a big write inspired by the book. So far the children have written paragraphs describing the start of the story. I would like them to write the rest…
Pick one of the following pictures and then imagine that the character in the story gets sucked into the picture and goes on an amazing adventure. Plan what will happen inside the picture, will the character ever return?
Plan - Talk about this at home and jot down your ideas.
How did the character get sucked into the picture?
What do they see, hear and feel?
How can they breathe under water?
Who do they meet?
What do they discover?
What is the problem in the story?
What does your character do?
How is the problem sorted out?
How does your character get out of the picture?
Please remember:
Times Tables Rockstars, Mathletics, AR Reading Quizzes and Purple Mash which can all be accessed at home to support your learning in school.