Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Creative writing opportunities are found EVERYWHERE!!! Never stop writing!

We used purple mash to create either a newspaper article or an information leaflet - they are nearly finished.........you can work on them at home remember. Why not log in to purple mash and show your family, then edit it at home!?

A great start - Oooooops, sorry they're sideways!!!!!

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

Year 4 budding artists!

We have linked our learning about dinosaurs with art this week, focussing on pencil drawing skills...............part of this learning also went hand in hand with our growth mindset focus too - being resilient and after producing one drawing, thinking, "how could I improve it next time?"
Year 4, your focus, skills and attention to detail, as well as your attitude to this concept, have totally astounded me. You have produced some outstanding art work!!!!!!!!!
Watch this space for the finished pieces!!!!!

Well done from Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott👍

Year 4 are privileged to work with Lucy Volpin.

Lucy Volpin, an author and illustrator, gave us a workshop. We learnt how to draw different dinosaurs using simple shapes. Lucy was VERY inspirational!

What a start to the week for Year 4!

Well, it's NEVER a dull week at our school - invaded by dinosaurs!!!! Who would have thought it?????

 "Does anyone have any evidence or clues?"
 We went outside and estimated how big the creature would be!!!!!!!
Some dinosaurs lay their eggs in their own poo!

An important task to complete - a witness statement for the police!

And that was just the start of the day..........watch this space for more!

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Year 4 Big Write and Sports Relief + trophy returns!

We had a mystery to solve this week, which led to a Big Write. Strangely, 6 mysterious bags had been left all around Dorchester, PC Scott brought them in to us so that we could use our inference and deduction skills to try to establish who they belonged to, what kind of person they were, where they were going or coming from..............the children then chose what genre of writing they wanted in order to express their creativity and use and apply their literacy learning and skills. We had stories, diaries, newspaper articles, poems and even combinations too!!!!!!!

Thank you for your Sports Relief donations on Friday! We certainly were VERY active for most of the day..............we began with some running, followed by hockey skills and matches. In the afternoon we took part in a whole school 30 minute Hiit work out followed by a 20 minute run/walk. All of year 4 completed 1 or 2 miles!!!!! Well done! I expect you slept well on Friday night!!!!!


Farm THIS Monday for Year 4 + volunteers needed!

Due to the snow last week, we were unable to go to the farm as planned.
Hazel popped in on Friday and was able to reschedule for THIS MONDAY 26th MARCH.

We will be going in the afternoon, so please wear your old play clothes into school and BRING YOUR WELLIES in a bag, please also ensure you have a warm coat.

If anyone is able to volunteer to walk with us either to the farm on Monday afternoon (leaving school 1:15) and/or Thursday on our visit to see Dippy then please let Mrs. Scott or myself know - we need 2 volunteers for each trip - thank you in advance!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Toys and personal belongings - Year 4 Tuesday 22nd March 2018

In class yesterday we had a discussion, following information shared with us by some parents.

With relation to personal property, such as toys and special items, we discussed that not everyone might have the same access to such luxury items and that this can lead to jealousy. The children voted and a majority vote of 23 out of 31 voted in favour of NOT bringing in toys and precious items from home.

We also reinforced the importance of them taking care of their belongings, particularly in preparation for the independence expected and required by their new schools and this I discussed with many of you during the consultation evenings as well as during the parent information sessions.

Thank you, in advance, for supporting us in reinforcing these discussions at home. Please communicate with us if you have any other areas for discussion.

Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Scott - Year 4 Team

Monday, 19 March 2018

Year 4 Home Learning!

Friday 16th March 2018 Year 4 Creative Home Learning project

To be in by 17th April 2018

Flotsam or Florida! You choose!

Produce a piece of home learning inspired by our Flotsam or Florida topic! Be as creative as you like!!!!!!!!!! We will really enjoy seeing all the skills you develop and use in this learning.

Art work, needlework, story, poem, ICT, model, newspaper article, persuasive poster/leaflet………………include any planning if you like! You may also work on this with someone at home, so do enjoy the time together too, sharing your learning and developing valuable communication and teamwork skills along the way!

Year 4 fun in the snow!!!!!!!!!!!

We decided to see what would happen if you painted snow.................