The Roman morning and picnic was absolutely wonderful - we now have a craze of playing chess and draughts! Our dance workshop in the afternoon was fantastic and ALL the children were fully engaged and really enjoyed it! Well done and thank you for all your effort towards the picnic - all the healthy Roman food was devoured!
We were completely surprised, shocked and overwhelmed by your presentation to us this morning - it was really touching and meant an awful lot to all three of us. Thank you for your kindness and generosity, we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your children, so thank you for loaning them to us for the year !!!!!!!! They are a magical class that, I have no doubt, will go far in life. In fact, we look forward to watching their journey throughout their school life.
The assembly tomorrow will begin at 10:10am, so please come to the front office for 10am to be shown to the hall. We are very excited, although sad at the same time!
So, all that remains for me to say is a very fond farewell, you have been "the best" year 4! We have built many wonderful memories to be treasured and it is a privilege for us to be a part of your journey in life. We will always be here for you, whether it is to share a worry or to share a success, the door will always be open. We will never forget you! Thank you.
Mrs. J and The Year 4 Team