Thursday, 14 December 2017

Year 4 Thursday 14th December 2017

What a finale!!!!!!!!!

The children in Year 4 certainly pulled all the stops out today - Mrs. Scott and I are so proud of each and every one of you! Well done - what a way to do your last christmas performance at The Prince of Wales, it will be remembered for some time to come!

We also celebrated lots of other success this week, Oona shared her ballet exam results: Distinction (the highest grade you can achieve), Edward achieved a Disctinction in his violin exam (the highest grade you can achieve) and Henry achieved a red belt in Thai kick boxing - what a talented class! They keep aiming high and achieving high, it just goes to show that if you challenge yourself and keep being resilient you can achieve anything!!!!!!

Today were our Autumn 2 awards - congratulations to these could be you next time!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is Christmas jumper day, also Christmas party day so home clothes can be worn and a donation  may be given which is for Weldemar. You don't need bags or lunches tomorrow, just bring yourselves, your coats and a water bottle and snack!

We have also been receiving photos and updates from Odette who is in India - we have really enjoyed these and have emailed her many questions, which she has been replying too. we even waved at her as we located her house on google maps!

We were told that we may be getting a special visit from Prince Charming tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Year 4 - Sunday 10th December 2017

Christmas certainly began last walking into Narnia!!!!!!!!!! We were inspired to write, not only during our collaborative morning but also combining all things Christmas and Narnia with shape to create poems in our numeracy books!!!!!

It has been a real pleasure to see and hear how musical our class are. We were treated to a piano recital and a violin concert as well as Oliver playing his clarinet for us in class. What a talented class we have, it was wonderful to see such progress! Well done!!!!!!

We put a lot of effort into our rehearsals this week, also practising with live music. The quality of the acting and singing is outstanding, I am sure you will all agree with me when you come along to watch - you won't fail to feel festive! Please make sure all costumes are in school TOMORROW, thank you!

Any children that received an award last half term, please could you return your trophy BEFORE THURSDAY, thank you.

Don't forget Friday is Christmas party day (we are providing food in year 4 so don't worry about bringing in food), you are all also welcome to join us for Carols on Friday at 2:45 in the hall.

There will be no PE this week, so kits can go home.

Thank you for all your support, especially in organising costumes for the play.

Mrs. J

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Year 4 Wednesday 29th November 2017

Thank you to the volunteers who joined us at Bovington Tank Museum on Monday. It was, as ever, a fantastic trip - a real rich and valuable learning experience, not only contextualising our topic but also providing a wider understanding of conflict across the world and through history.

Thank you to all those of you who were able to support the PoW Community Choir last Friday! We had a visitor today from Dorchester Arts;we have been asked to lead the parade for the Dorchester Christmas Cracker NEXT THURSDAY. Therefore, we participated in a lantern workshop in preparation. It would be wonderful to see as many of you as possible joining the parade, please could you let Mr. Macbean or myself know if you are able to come. We will meet at the Top o' Town roundabout and parade down High West Street for the lights to be turned on at 6:30pm.

Thank you to all of you who have brought in your costumes so far - a tremendous effort, well done! Please could costumes be in BY NEXT FRIDAY.

Well done to our basket ball team who represented PoW today - super effort making us proud once again!

Today we launched our Big Write preparation - we watched the Sainsbury's Christmas advert from last year - WW1 Christmas Truce. It proved to be a VERY emotional, thought provoking lesson where the children were greatly inspired and very passionate. Especially having visited "The Trenches" at Bovington. Please do watch the advert and discuss it at home, gathering as much rich vocabulary and as many literary devices as possible.

Enjoy! (Have the tissues at the ready though!!!!!)

Mrs. Scott and Mrs. J

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Year 4 Tuesday 21st November 2017

Yesterday we were very lucky to have a visitor join us called Martin from The Ridgeway Project.
We went on a short walk towards Maiden Castle. On the way, Martin told us some local traditional tales and folk tales/legends surrounding the hill fort. We used our "imagine-eyes" to explore the landscape we could see in front of us. Excitedly hurrying back to school, year 4 could hardly wait to take their coats off before they were grabbing bits of paper to record their ideas! Martin helped us to record our story ideas down as a map. We were so inspired that we have had to squeeze in an extra opportunity to write this week because we were desperate to write our stories!!!!!
#please send your children to school for an extra hour!!!!!!!😉😀

I am thrilled that they are ALL so enthused to write! Well done, I think Martin was impressed by your creativity. He is going to be taking our ideas/stories and writing a story that will be published!

We have also been demonstrating our super reading skills! Every Monday and Wednesday at the end of the day 2 year 4 children are going over to Pre-School to read them their end of the day story. Every child in year 4 will have the opportunity to do this in order to further develop their reading skills and confidence. The Pre-School children were entranced! Well done so far to Oliver, Joe, Ro and William!

We hope your christmas play costumes are coming along nicely - do ask us if you have any queries!

Our DT projects are really taking shape and it has been wonderful to see all the children's own work and how they are supporting each other, learning from each other to develop their skills as well as being resilient when things are challenging. When the decorations are finished we will be putting them on our class christmas tree - they will be able to bring them home for christmas.

A reminder of our trip to Bovington on Monday - please return your slips asap. It IS school uniform!

Keep working on your poetry competition entries too!

Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Whole school Blog - COMPETITION TIME! PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday 15th November 2017

Search begins for Premier League Writing Stars

The competition asks schoolchildren aged 5-11 to write around the theme of resilience; what does it mean to you to try and try again?
The winning poems will be published in a limited-edition book.
Other prizes include author-led writing workshops and Premier League Trophy school visits, as well as poems being read aloud by football stars.
 The first 1,000 schools to enter the competition will also receive a bespoke "Book Bag" of poetry. 
The pupils' entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges including former Chelsea midfielder and children's author Frank Lampard; Lauren Child, the author-illustrator of the Charlie and Lola series and Waterstones Children's Laureate; Yannick Bolasie, the Everton winger and lyricist; and Young People's Laureate for London, Caleb Femi.
PL Writing Stars entries will be considered against a range of criteria including creativity, tone and originality.
The campaign is supported by the National Literacy Trust and is part of the Premier League Primary Stars education programme, which has engaged more than 10,000 primary schools and 13,000 teachers in England and Wales.
"Premier League Primary Stars has already proved to be a success thanks to the great work our clubs are carrying out in their communities and the breadth of resources the programme makes available to primary school teachers," said Premier League Executive Chairman Richard Scudamore.
"Premier League Writing Stars is backed by established authors and poets as well as footballers and our aim is to enthuse children, teachers and parents alike."
We launched this competition in assembly today - It is a super opportunity to combine a love of writing with a love of sport and also our learning powers - resilience.
We would like as many of you as possible to get involved - the potential prizes are out of this world!!!!! I know our writers are very creative and I am sure they will do well! Look out for the pro-forma coming home this week-end and simply get writing!

Don't give up! Be resilient!

Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Gibson

Year 4 Wednesday 15th November 2017

I cannot believe how many children from Year 4 auditioned for the Christmas Production! ALL demonstrated talent, confidence, courage and resilience! Well done!
We found out our individual parts - EACH and EVERY part is important and essential and we will show what great teamwork we can produce by working together to produce a wonderful show!
The children should all of brought home a costume slip - thank you in advance for your help and support in organising them - we really appreciate it at this busy time, we can then focus on the props! Any queries about costumes, please do ask!
The children have already started practising the songs with great enthusiasm! Well done, lots of lyric learning and line learning to be done!

Our DT Make Do and Mend project is well under way - not only are the children learning new skills, but are also problem solving, showing resilience and helping each other out.

Reminder: There are still several Bovington Tank Museum trip replies to be returned - thank you!
We need 2 more volunteers to join us, so if you are available, please do let us know.

Also we are looking for volunteers to join us, or any other year group, a helping hand on Christmas Technology Day - Friday 8th December - please let me know if you can help! Thank you!

A huuuuuuge well done for the effort being put into the home learning - the new whole class guided reading approach is proving very successful and is providing so many valuable learning opportunities in both our literacy skills and our reading skills! Keep it up! Well done!

Many thanks,

Mrs. Scott and Mrs. J

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Year 4 Thursday 2nd November - Information

NEXT MONDAY we will be starting our Make Do and Mend DT Christmas Tree Decoration project. The children have planned their design already, so please could they bring in the items they will need to begin making them. There has to be an element of sewing involved (we have needles and thread at school). Please bring in your "bits 'n' bobs" on MONDAY in a labeled bag/envelope.

The children will be bringing home a home learning exercise book tomorrow with their spellings stuck in and 2 pieces of home learning to be completed by next Thursday, this will be weekly and it is in a book so that it cannot be lost!
Lastly, a MAAAAASSSSSIVE well done to all of you who have brought in their WW2 project home learning this week! They are ALL truly outstanding and unique, we have really enjoyed you presenting them to us and it is clear that a huge amount of effort was put into them as well as the learning and fun that you had making them! We certainly all learned new things!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Year 4 pics!

We hope you all had a wonderful, restful and happy half term holiday!?
Here are some photos of a few recent events................

Tag Rugby team did us proud! Look at the mud!!!!!!!!

Well done to those children who won the first Year 4 Awards!

A VERY successful Big Write.......with a pair of pants on my head!!!!!!!!!!

A wonderful, fun movie night with The BFG - well deserved everyone!

Lots of fabulous memories and learning already Year's to this half term with the exciting run up to Christmas and lots more super learning!

Thank you for an enjoyable start to the year............Mrs. Scott and Mrs. J

Monday, 16 October 2017

Year 4 Monday 16th October 2017

I am sure that you will all agree, Year 4 lead their assembly with confidence and skill. I was proud of every single one of you - well done!

Please check out the last blog re the "Year 4 Friday Film Night" this friday!

We will be continuing to work hard right up until the last minute this Friday, the end of the first half term in Year 4! We have all come a long way already! I look forward to meeting all the families this week during Parent Consultations.

Those of you taking part in the Tag Rugby on Wednesday - please come to school in your tracksuit bottoms and trainers (uniform in a bag to change into after), we will give you a top to wear - remember a warm, waterproof coat and your water bottles. You will be walked up to the rugby club, where family members can meet us to watch if they are able!

Mrs. Kwan has kindly offered to do some gardening with us this week, weather permitting, so it would be a good idea to have a pair of wellies in school and some gardening gloves/gloves if you have them.


Mrs. J and Mrs. Scott

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Year 4 Celebration time! NEXT Friday!

Celebration time!!!!!!!!!!!

We reached our Class Dojo target of 2500 points!!!!!!! This is achieved during lessons when we see children using building learning powers skills to help them with their learning of their attitude towards and behaviour for learning.
Well done - that's a record!!!! It is certainly evident in the work you have produced too!!!!

In order to celebrate this we have decided to have a movie and "sweet treats" evening in the school hall.

We are planning for this to be NEXT  Friday (20th October), arrive in the school hall for 6:15 - movie to start at 6:30. 
You may come wearing your PJs if you wish and bring a cushion and/or a cuddly blanket/toy.

The children have requested to watch the BFG (our classroom theme), this is a PG rated film so you can choose to stay and watch the film with your child or leave them to watch it with us with your permission.

We do hope you can come and enjoy the movie, but understand if you are unable to make it and I'm sure we will have many other celebrations throughout the year.

Year 4 Wednesday 11th October 2017

We are busy practising for our assembly this Friday and can't wait for you all to come along and watch us! 9:20 in the school hall as usual, please come through the front of the school and the office staff will kindly let you in - thank you!

If costumes could be in tomorrow that would be great, then we can have a final run through and see if we need to add anything.

A reminder that "meet the teacher" parent consultations are next Tuesday (Late 5:30 - 8pm) and Wednesday (early 3:30-6pm) 10 minute slots - please sign up in the year 4 cloakroom if you haven't already - I look forward to meeting you all and please do come prepared to tell me anything I need to know about your child (likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and any additional information I may need to know!)

Last week we spent our literacy lessons acting out a WW2 drama and then using that to plan and draft a story, this week we are editing and copying up - they are true epics and the handwriting that is being produced, as well as all the excellent literary devices, is superb...............a few children are close to achieving their pens ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been working on addition strategies this week in numeracy and will be using those to problem solve and carry out reasoning investigations.

I cannot believe it is almost half term, keep up the hard work and super learning Year 4 - you are absolutely brilliant!!!!

Monday, 9 October 2017

"What's the point?" Whole school project! Please help - get involved in inspiring a class!

"What's the point?" Project...........

In order to inspire our young learners and to enable them to understand how their literacy skills are so important, we are launching a "What's the point?" project! It's simple - please could you send a photograph of yourself or a family member using literacy skills in the work place (writing as well as reading). Your child's class teacher will aim to show a different one before literacy lessons to spark discussion and to contextualise writing as well as inspiring them to foster a love for writing. We would also like to display these picture as well as use them on blogs and on the school Facebook page, so please make the teacher aware if you do not wish this to happen with your photograph.
Thank you in advance for your support in this fun project; The children will really enjoy seeing your pictures!!!!!
Mrs. Johnson - Literacy coordinator

Fishy Friday in Year 4! Monday 9th October 2017

On Friday, Mr. Stentiford taught us for the morning! We learned all about his job, fish, diseases and parasites! It was fascinating!

 Ro is famous............look closely at this new parasite!

Here are some of the new parasites discovered by Year 4 scientists. We thought carefully about the tools they have and how they attach to the host.