Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Wednesday 28th September Year 4 Class Assembly..........dates again!

Following much confusion.............for me as well, I have since discovered today that our class assembly IS STILL ON THE ORIGINAL DATE OF FRIDAY 21ST OCTOBER (just before we break for half term) as I said at the parents information morning.
I apologise once again!

Mrs. Johnson

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Year 4 Tuesday 27th September - confusion over dates/gas mask box - please read me!

I have 2 apologies to make, firstly it seems that on the Nothe Fort letter it said the children needed to make a gas mask - it was meant to read a gas mask BOX! Washing tablet boxes or cat food boxes are ideal shapes/sizes for this.

Finally, there seems to have been some confusion over the Year 4 Class Assembly date, on the letter it said Friday 21st October and on the calendar it says Friday 4th November. I can confirm that it is FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 9:20 in the school hall. I am sorry for the misunderstanding and any inconvenience this may have caused.

Look forward to seeing you all for swimming in the morning!

Mrs. Johnson

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Sunday 25th September 2016 Literacy links for all!

If you would like some literacy based activities or ideas that you can do together with your child at home why not try this website.
Either google the National Literacy Trust and access the parents/families section or search

Have fun exploring!

Mrs. Johnson

Year 4 Sunday 25th September 2016

It was great to praise Mason, Ewan and Elsie during praise assembly for their stunning pencil portraits of Edward Elgar. I also praised Isaac for his communicative nature, sharing his historical knowledge with the class. Bruno was also praised for his mental maths work in a "beat the teacher" challenge!!!!!! Well Done!!! Ruby was also praised last week for her literacy.

We had an excellent literacy lesson, embarking on an extended piece of writing based around our WW2 drama - I look forward to reading them at the end of the week when they are finished! Everyone was engrossed and fully absorbed - you could have heard a pin drop! Fabulous working atmosphere!

In the home learning folder you will have found, along with their spellings, a maths sheet to complete and hand in in the folder, then a times tables help/practice sheet and a spellings strategy sheet - please do take these out of the folder and keep them at home with the spellings so that you can refer to them and practise. I don't need to see those, just return the maths sheet and the project, which is due in in 3 weeks!

A reminder that children will be set reading to do for home learning for the following guided reading session - please could you check that they are doing this so that they do not fall behind during the next session! Many thanks!

Mrs. Johnson and The Year 4 Team

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

This Friday 23rd September is "Scoot to School Day".

This Friday 23rd September is "Scoot to School Day".

Our SUSTRANS cycling officer, Jonathan Dixon, is running a "Scoot to School Day" and we are encouraging as many children as possible to come to school on their scooters.
We will be counting the scooters and sending our tally to Jonathan to contribute to his South Dorset challenge.

Fun at the South Dorset Ridgeway Project Festival of Schools

On Tuesday we had fun at the South Dorset Ridgeway Project Festival of Schools. Mr. MacBean took a selection of Year 3 and Year 4 children to represent the school and to take part in the festival held at Little Bredy. We had a chance to take part in a number of interesting workshops and find out about the fascinating heritage of our local landscape.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Year 4 Monday 19th September 2016 - this week!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine yesterday!?

It was wonderful to be able to praise some children on Friday, during the praise assembly:
Tilly for her hard work and effort in numeracy as well as her World War 2 leaflet which, not only linked to history and literacy but also to ICT skills. Luke was also praised for his attitude to learning in numeracy lessons.
Other children that put in particular effort and focus to their leaflets were Harry D, Leo, Mason, Abi, Joshua, Elsie and Archie. Well done! Keep being resilient!

We are continuing with place value and number this week focusing on comparing numbers, negative numbers and x 10/100/1000 etc

In literacy we will be working on our spellings and learning different ways we can remember/practice them, learning about verbs or fronted adverbials and transporting ourselves back in time to life during the blitz through drama and film with the aim of writing our own historical stories!

LOTS of exciting things!!!!!!!!!!

Friday is "scoot to school" day!

Our display will be taking shape over the following 2 weeks, so do come along to the corridor and have a look!

See you all tomorrow - remember your PE kits!

Mrs. Johnson and the Year 4 Team

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Year 4 Tuesday 13th September 2016 - we need you year 4, please apply!

Playtime Wardens Urgently Needed!

The job of playtime warden is now available.
Job description: Help the children and teachers at playtimes, sort out fall outs, look for children who have no one to play with and find them a friend, take children in to the toilet and make sure there are no children hanging around inside,

If you think you have the qualities and skills required to do this job then please apply by writing Mrs. Johnson a letter of application by Monday 19th September.

Say why you would like the job and how you would be good at it.

Interviews will take place next week.

Year 4 Tuesday 13th September 2016 - learning and dates!

Our WW2 information leaflets are coming along nicely and very nearly, if not already, ready to print - they look fantastic and some excellent research skills have been developed!

We began French today and recapped greetings and how to ask someone how they are feeling. As well as colours, counting, classroom commands and introducing "C'est..." with a game of guess who? Tres bien!

Don't forget swimming tomorrow and I look forward to seeing those of you that can make it to the parent information session on Thursday at 9am in the hall.

The class newsletter will be out this Friday, so please look out for it in book bags! We have seen outstanding independence for Year 4 in terms of them coming into class and organising themselves for the day - some may need a little practise at the end of the day and on Fridays with letters and home learning (a lot was left behind!!!!!!) I keep a copy in class should this happen - always expect home learning on a Friday. Guided reading groups have also begun this week - each child will bring home the book they are working on and there will be an expectation, in their reading records, stating where they need to have read up to by their next session - please share these books and ensure it is being done as we then move on in the next session and they will find themselves behind if they haven't done the reading.

Year 4 class assembly is on Friday 21st October 9:20 in the school hall.

See you all tomorrow 8:40 in ICT suite or 8:50 at pool!

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Year 4 Thursday 8th September 2016 - Our Learning.

Year 4 have continued to impress us this week.................
Yesterday, we had our first swimming lesson! Everyone swam 25m or more from deep to shallow end - even jumping in!!!!!! It's going to be a fantastic year for swimming, I can tell!

We launched our WW2 topic yesterday and began learning by gathering information and carrying out research as well as a taster of what an air raid would have been like!
All children visited the library and have a new book to read along with our new reading records, which are to replace the diaries. Please could these be shared and written in by either parents or children when they have read and then come back to school everyday. This is because, you will see, there are useful pages in the middle of the book that we may use during literacy lessons.

In science today, we began our topic for this half term all about electricity. Following this lesson we began learning about the music of Edward Elgar, expressing our thoughts and feelings about the piece of music through art.

Tomorrow, the children will come home with spellings to be learned by next Friday as well as a times table that will be on their sheet. They will also come home with a new Reading Journal that we would like covered please! You can decorate the cover with pictures of your favourite things - authors, books, book covers, hobbies, animals etc. It will need to be in by the end of next week.

Our Class Charter:

We have the right to learn and have an education. We have the right to play and feel safe. We have the right to be happy and have fun. We have the right to talk and have our own opinion. We have the right to have friends. We have the right to use equipment to help us play and learn.
We have the responsibility to try our best. We have the responsibility to be kind and to play together. We have the responsibility to be sensible and focussed when we need to be. We have the responsibility to listen and respect the opinions of others. We have the responsibility to care for other people. We have the responsibility to look after equipment and use it properly.

These were discussed and decided on by the class and we have all signed the agreement. Please discuss these at home to reinforce the importance of a class charter.

See you all tomorrow!
Don't forget, next Thursday at 9:00 am is the Year 4 parents information session in the hall!

Mrs. Johnson and The Year 4 Team.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Year 4 Tuesday 6th September - what have we been up to????????

What a fantastic couple of days - we have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all!

Yesterday, we began by sharing our very exciting holiday news. More importantly, however, we then met our buddies!!!! This was very successful and Year 4 were super kind and caring taking to it like ducks to water!!!!!! They can be very proud of themselves and the fact they had such an important part to play in their buddies very first day at school!!!!! Special memories were created!

We explored the class room and questions were answered all about year 4, the systems and set up as well as expectations of learning, behaviour and the teachers!!!!!!!!!

The next most important thing to do was to discuss and agree on our class charter based upon UNICEF's rights of a child - the children voted on 5/6 rights and the responsibilities that go with those. I will blog them in a couple of days so that you can discuss them at home. In order to maintain a happy, fun and safe learning environment we will be referring to these regularly.

Finally, yesterday, we reflected on our goals for the year and what we would like to get better at by the end of Year 4.

Today, we continued with the theme of being successful, trying our best and learning how we have strengths and weaknesses but by recognising these we can improve in areas that we are not so confident in. We learned all about the brain, multiple intelligences and learning styles.............tell your mum or dad which "smart" you are, tell them about the interesting things we learned about the brain and also what kind of learner you are - visual, auditory or kinaesthetic!

Phew, no wonder we are all so tired after 2 days!!!!!!! These are all essential topics to discuss in our first couple of days so that everyone feels comfortable with the learning environment and feels confident and valued!

We are looking forward to swimming tomorrow!
Sleep well!

Mrs. J and The Year 4 Team!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Sunday 4th September - Welcome and useful information! Please read me!

Welcome to Year 4 Everyone!!!!!!!!!! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday?
Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Long and myself are very much looking forwarding to seeing you all tomorrow and can't wait to hear all about what you got up to! (Be prepared to share your news!)
Dust off your wands, pack your suitcases and head for platform 9 and 3/4.......... the Hogwarts Express awaits are in for a VERY exciting, magical and special year...............I wonder which house you will have been sorted into?
This week ONLY mums and dads are very welcome to accompany you into class in the morning because, of course, we want to meet you all! From next week we would be delighted if you can independently (key word for the year!!!!) bring yourselves into the classroom and organise yourselves!!!!! 
Tomorrow - Lunch box trolley is located in the shed at the top of the ramp, then find your peg, make your way into the classroom armed with your water bottle and pencil case (which you may keep on your table) and find your "house".........further instructions will be on the board!!!!!! 

Don't forget PE kits - first lesson is on Tuesday and, as it gets chillier, you may bring in tracksuits and trainers as well as your in door kit. Swimming also begins this week on WEDNESDAY - Please drop your child off at the pool and wait with them until a member of POW staff arrives at 8:50. We will also be walking from school at 8:40, so if you are in breakfast club you will need to meet us in the ICT suite promptly, any other walkers please wait with your parents outside until 8:40, then also meet us in the suite!

Buckle yourselves in for a VERY magical year 4.............