Sunday, 22 May 2016

SRE - Jigsaw, walking home from school - Sunday 22nd May

Last week we finished working on our Stone Age projects collaboratively. We also ended our learning in numeracy about perimeter and area with a rather exciting challenge....................a zoo is coming to Poundbury!!!!!!!! Ask the children.................

We entered a team into a relay Biathle today at Leweston and came 3rd out of 16 schools!!!!!!!!!!! Sam, Charlotte and Fen worked brilliantly as a team supporting each other all the way! Well done!
Mrs. Ray has offered to coordinate the National Biathle in June, if you would like to enter please speak to her or myself!

On Tuesday is the Jigsaw SRE presentation at 9 in the hall.

Finally, please could I ask that you follow the school protocol for allowing your child to walk home on their own. There have been a couple of instances where we have been unsure and so has the child!
Inform Mrs. Mewett and myself which days they will be walking and we would prefer it if they didn't walk any further than the length of Maiden Castle Road (we will discuss individually with you though). I am going to compile a list of children that have been agreed to walk and will ask for your signature to confirm this.
Thank you for your cooperation on this matter, as I am sure you are aware the safety of the children is our priority when they are outside the school grounds as well as in!

Mrs. Johnson

Monday, 16 May 2016

Summer fayre

The Prince of Wales Summer fayre is this Saturday 21st May, 11 -2pm. Do come along and support the school. The children’s competitions are; make a miniature garden and paint a pebble. We are hoping to place the pebbles afterwards in the school garden. I look forward to seeing you there!


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Health and safety week and sporting events! Sunday 15th May

Last week the children also enjoyed discussing being healthy in the Life Ed van on Wednesday, followed by an E-Safety talk run by the Police - extremely useful and eye opening! On Thursday PC Scott came in and talked about rail safety, which is not something we have thought about before and, again, was very useful and educating!

We have also had great sporting success over the last week, at the DASP Year 4 schools gala we won a lot of our races and came third! We are awaiting results to see if any of our swimmers have made it through to the finals! They certainly made us proud and were superb at supporting each other!

Today, Mrs. Scott and I thoroughly enjoyed watching 11 of our class take part in the South West Schools Biathle event at Leweston. Again, doing the school and themselves proud - excellent results and a team medal for one girls team! I am so impressed at the determination and resilience they showed in such a tough event! Well done - There is another one coming up on June 19th at Leweston, as well as a summer day/residential camp, if anyone is interested just come in and ask!

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs. Johnson

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Beach safety assembly - Thursday 12th May

We welcomed the RNLI into school on Thursday 12th May. Ben and Maria came into school to explain to the school about how we can be safe on the beach and in the sea.

The children learned that the red and yellow flag is the flag which lets us know it is safe to go into the water. They also learned about other flags which mean danger possibly for different reasons.

The children brought home leaflets on Friday from the RNLI. Do have a look with your child at the key messages, they were all very interested.

BSO concert - parents needed!

I am after two parents who can come along on Weds 18th May in the morning to Poole Lighthouse to watch (with a group of Yr 3 and 4 children from our school) the Bournemouth Symphony orchestra.

We plan to be back at school around 12.30. If you are able to help then please come and either see me or pass on the message via the office.

Many thanks,  Mrs Mewett

Monday, 9 May 2016

DT day, Meditation, Swimming Gala and Biathle - Monday 9th May

I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr. Mills, Mrs. Gallego and Mrs. Hall who accompanied us to Tesco on Friday, as part of our DT day! What a super successful day! The children had researched, planned their pizza, budgeted for it using Tescos on line, they then used their lists to shop, looking for good deals/value for money and quality, whilst ensuring that their items were fitting for a person with their particular dietary need! Back at school, and after discussing the importance of hygiene, the children made their own pizzas without any assistance, working as a team preparing, cleaning, recycling, washing up, selecting correct equipment and utensils................ then for the sampling! Delicious! Some very healthy, tasty options - some groups decided that it would be quite difficult for some of the conditions to plan meals and shop because the selection was not available, or it was more expensive!!!!

This week is our health and safety week. This afternoon we discussed the importance of mental health, we allowed ourselves to be transported away into a world of awe and wonder, following this we learned how to meditate - we all loved this and felt very calm and at peace........... many of the children asking to do it again! Lovely!

Those children taking part in the swimming gala on Thursday afternoon, parents are welcome to come and watch - there is a £1 spectator fee. Could those children ensure they have 2 towels (1 for poolside and 1 for drying after)

There are a massive 11 children taking part in the Schools Biathle this Sunday - a brilliant response, so thank you to all those parents for supporting the event and thank you to your determined children!
I will email more details but they will need : hat, goggles, a swim suit that they can run in (ones with legs best), boys must have their tops covered for the run but they will need to take off a t-shirt to swim which can be tricky so me to discuss if you are unsure, trainers with elastic laces (have these in school this week so that we can practice). I will get you he joining instructions for the day asap!

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs. J and the Year 4 Team

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Health and safety week 9 -13th May

The children will be exploring aspects of staying safe and being healthy over the next week in class. We will be welcoming visitors to the school; RNLI will be visiting to run a Beach safety assembly with tips and key messages about being safe. We also are welcoming the Safer School Team who will be running sessions with each class about staying safe when online at age appropriate level. We also have the Life Education van in school on Tues and Weds (10th and 11th) and each class will access a session based upon the PSHE curriculum for their class. In class, the children will be talking about road safety as well as being healthy and linking this to their science topics.

Lastly, on Friday 20th May each class will be accessing children appropriate levels of first aid training kindly offered by St John's ambulance. Yr 4 will be running through the programme and hopefully completing the course for a certificate!

If you do have questions or some skills or time to offer do speak with the year team.

Thank you, Mrs Mewett

Monday, 2 May 2016

Monday 2nd May 2016

I hope you all had a great bank holiday!

Last week the children worked very hard for the supply teacher, Mrs. Derby, which was fantastic to hear. I was able to return to assess their performance poetry - the best I've ever heard!!!!!!!!! Excellent expression, confidence, clarity, eye contact and body language! It was particularly wonderful to see some children, who are normally quietly spoken, performing with such increased confidence and self esteem - well done!!!!!!

Numeracy was a combination of cross curricular data handling and equivalent fractions, which we will be continuing with this week!

We are looking forward to our DT day on Friday and our trip to Tescos - I did say to the children that we would appreciate 3 volunteers to walk with us and to accompany a small group of 6 children each around Tescos - we will leave school at 9:10 and return by 11:00 at the very latest, if you are able to help us then please come in and see myself this week. The children will also need to bring in their team contribution of £2 before Friday.

Finally, those of you who are entering the schools biathle on the 15th May, I have to send the applications off tomorrow, and there a couple of you who are still to pay the entry fee - if you could let me know tomorrow whether your child is still entering, that would be useful - otherwise I will try and catch those of you in the morning!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Johnson