Sunday, 26 April 2015

Assembly and Fairthorne

Thank you to all of you that were able to make it to our last class assembly on Friday!!!!!!! We hope you enjoyed it???? I thought, as always, the children were fantastic - funny, confident, expressive and may have noticed that there were elements of their own work woven into the play - sonnets, rap, letters..........a really talented class! Well done! (How will we beat that for our Leavers Assembly?????)

It was also exciting to be able to present Ben S, Chris and Amy Y with their medals and certificates which they won at the Sainsburys School Gala last Wednesday - 4 x gold medals and 1 x silver medal as well as a PB time for Ben in his backstroke!!!!!! Well done we are all VERY proud of you, representing the school so magnificently!!!!!!!

I hope you have all been packing?????I know I have been madly panic buying last minute items, also you need to do a sun dance to encourage the weather to be good!!!!!! We had a long discussion on Friday with many questions and worries addressed and answered - I hope you are all feeling excited, I PROMISE you that you will have the most amazing experience! Just to highlight a couple of points, Mr. Farrington has said it is fine for the children to bring a sensible quantity of sweets to share with their friends in their rooms, (we will check that they do not eat them all in one go before bedtime!!!!!!) NO technology but small games are ideal (cards, top trumps, travel, pad, pen and torch). Don't forget your stamp and address!!!!!!! A reminder that you will need a packed lunch for the first day. Cameras are brought at your own risk, don't worry if you don't bring one as we take LOTS and LOTS of pictures and will give you all a disc with them on afterwards!!!!!!
(Look at my suitcase........)

Finally - please can ALL children have PE kits in school with appropriate outdoor footwear - trainers are perfect!

How we will get through the next couple of days ............ too excited!!!!!! :-)

Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Thomas...........I hope you've had plenty of sleep this weekend!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. J x

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


We thoroughly enjoyed our London Irish Rugby afternoon on Monday and look forward to the next 5!!!!! You can see pictures either uploaded by us on our website, on through twitter via London Irish who will tweet our pics each week!!!! The maths part of the input was using polygons to design a new stadium for London Irish with both a birds eye plan and a side elevation!!!!!!

Incidentally, check out our pics on the website, they are a great record of this year so far!!!! Things we'd completely forgotten about!!!!!

Tomorrow is our farm visit-old play clothes suitable for this weather + hat and sun cream as well as water bottle! snack, appropriate footwear and a jacket/hoodie if chilly!!!!

Thank you to all of you who came along to the information session on Monday! We look forward to seeing you at our class assembly on Friday!!!!!

Children have been clearly learning their spellings-well done, keep it up!!!!!

This time next week we will be in Fairthorne, get packing and do a sun dance!!!!! Yippee!!!!!

Mrs. J :-)

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Wow - exciting news!!!!! Talented children in year 4!!!!!

A reminder that it is the year 4 parent information session tomorrow morning at 9 in the hall!

Thursday = Maiden Castle farm visit - keep an eye on the weather as to what clothes to wear, obviously old play clothes, but may need sun hats, sun cream and definitely wellies, maybe a warm jacket/hoodie??? Please bring in a snack and water bottle.

Updates on the outstanding talents of children in our class................

Well done to Shannon, who competed in a county competition during the holidays.........and won gold and silver medals!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!! To win at county level is a huge achievement and a true picture of your talent!!!! Next stop olympics!!!!!!

Well done Rocco, who represented the school in the National Schools Biathlon championships at the Olympic park in London during the holiday, and we have recently heard that he has qualified for the Junior GB team to represent the country in the World Biathle Series in Italy!!!!!!!!

2 x future olympians..............I am hugely proud of the both of you, as I know are all your classmates and, indeed, the school!!!!!! Keep striving to achieve your goals - we know you can make it!!!!!

Please let me know of any other Year 4 achievements - dance, music, sport, arts............

Friday, 17 April 2015


Bonus points for anyone who can spot the deliberate mistake with the suffix spellings home learning-huh hum!!!!!! Oooooops!!!!


Thursday, 16 April 2015

Life ed van visit

Wow! Everyone has worked incredibly hard today, showing great maturity and focus on their personal learning! You could have heard a pin drop during literacy this morning as children were writing their DT/Science project process and evaluation using literacy skills. Lots of subordinate clauses and fronted adverbial phrases included independently - well done!!!!!!

We visited the Life education van today, learning all about keeping healthy - diet, what our bodies need to function, effects of drugs on our bodies (alcohol, cigarettes and medicines), being unique and that it is ok to be different - overcoming peer pressure! The children showed how knowledgeable they were and some very mature discussions took place! Well done!

Do come and see our display next week - all home learning that has come in is truly should be very proud and I hope that you not only learned and developed skills but had fun doing it as well!

Reminder: Class assembly next Friday - children have scripts with costumes needed written on the top.

A fantastic day!

Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Our DT/Science day was excellent. The children shopped for, cooked, sampled and evaluated their pizzas without any adult support, working brilliantly as part of a team. All pizzas came in below budget and the children could be heard, in tescos, discussing choices based upon value for money and prices etc - superb budgeting and economic skills!!!! (You can trust them to do your weekly shop now!!!) They also worked hygienically and also tidied up after themselves deciding how to separate waste into the correct recycling containers/compost - again, all done independently!!!!!

Mr. Treble began our half terms PE lessons on Quick Cricket today, in the glorious sunshine - hats a definite must from now on please, as well as water bottles!!!!!!!!

Swimming tomorrow!

Thursday = Life Ed van at 11am.

Mrs. Johnson

Monday, 13 April 2015


Great to see everyone today!!!! We really enjoyed hearing about all your exciting holiday news!!!!

We talked about all the busy and exciting things that we would be doing this term........I was very pleased and proud to highlight Tait and Ben W for their superb attitude to learning last term and what great progress they had made as a result, so we are all going to focus ourselves and use the two boys to inspire us to do the same and put 100% effort into our own learning and attitudes/behaviour!!!!
Some brilliant and creative pieces of home learning came in today!! Well done, keep your eyes peeled for the corridor display!!!!

Children bought a letter home today from Mrs.Seymour and Mrs.Bishop who are hosting a meeting for ALL year 4 parents on Thursday 7th May at 9 am in the school hall so that you have a chance to meet them, hear about their roles and ask any questions! We do hope you'll attend as we think it will be very useful for you with regards to transition.

Please remember we are off to Tescos tomorrow for our DT/Numeracy/Science project and need a sun hat or jacket depending on the weather as well as £2. This is so that each group has the same amount of money as they have been given a budget to work towards.


Saturday, 11 April 2015


Well, what a glorious Easter break!!!! Let's hope that this is the sign of things to come for the summer term!!!!!! I hope you all had a fun and restful holiday? I am very much looking forward too this term which, as always, promises to be packed full of fun and learning with no time to stop!!!!

A reminder that on Tuesday we are going to tescos as part of our DT/Science/Numeracy project, you will need a coat in case of showers and don't forget your £2 that needs to be given to me, preferably on Monday - Tuesday at the latest, please!!!! Also, there is space for 2 volunteers to join us walking there and back and accompanying us shopping! If you would like to come along, pleas let me know Monday morning!!!

Another reminder that it is our class assembly in 2 weeks time, on Friday 24th April.

On the Thursday 23rd April we will be visiting Maiden Castle Farm, so advanced warning for appropriate clothing!!!!!

Our PE for this half term will be on a Tuesday with Mr. Treble doing quick cricket, so sun hats need to be available. Our other lesson will be on a Monday, starting next week, we are very lucky to be having a tag rugby lesson accompanied by a linked numeracy lesson taught by coaches from London Irish. This exciting 6 week opportunity was a prize won for us by Mrs. Hoskins........."thank you" in advance!!!!!!

I look forward to seeing you all on Monday and hearing all about your wonderful holidays.........oh, and receiving your amazing home learning!!!!!!!!! (By Friday 17th April :-))

Mrs. Johnson