In math we have been learning about triangle's and quadrilateral's ther are four different triangle's
One is cald equilateral ' and isosceles also right angles Last but not least scalenes.befor the holidays
We entered a competition with about all of the dasp schools and someone from our class won
And it was Mia. We also had been doing collaborative learning project's here is some of are work. By Sophia
Thank you to the girls for "having a go" at writing a class blog - watch this space with more children blogging to come!
I am looking forward to our themed week - Proud to be me! I also can't wait to see your home learning - Alexandra was so keen she produced hers before the holiday! Well done Alexandra! Don't forget it is a dressing up day on Friday! Dress up to look like the profession you would like to be when you grow up!!!
I hope you found the calculation strategies sheet, attached to the spellings, useful - it shows the methods we have been learning and using in class, so feel free to stick them to the fridge and practise them when you have a spare few minutes here and there to keep consolidating and reinforcing learning. I would also love to see any that you practise, so please bring them in!
Finally, I hope you have been singing away and learning those song words - remember we have a visitor on Friday to help us practise them!!!!
We have all been really impressed at the independence that most of you are now showing when coming into class in the morning, organising yourselves and settling without your parents coming in - great practise for Middle Schools - you are now confident and independent individuals!!! I would really encourage EVERYONE to now be doing the same (as much as I love to see your parents, they can always book to come and see me if they need to, and I often see them at the end of the day anyway!)
This week we have been doing some division chunking.Wich is where you have a number say 87 divided by 6.Now you do it ! We have a singing consort on March the 20 the please come along .
By Flo, Nat and Mia
On Monday 24th February we will be having a themed week in school called "Proud to be me".
On Friday 28th February we would like to finish the week with a dressing up day, the theme being "This is what I would like to do when I grow up!" The focus is on aspirations, what career/job I would love to do when I am older.
A letter will be coming out on Friday 14th February.
Just a reminder that home learning came home as a hard copy on Friday (spellings and x tables attached as usual). The home learning was for 2 weeks - over half term, to be in on the Monday. We will be launching a themed week entitled Proud to be Me! Therefore I have set the children the task of finding out all about their family: where they originate from, different countries/parts of this country, family traditions........they could then choose how they wanted to present their findings - scrap book, book, picture, poster, interviews or any other creative way!
Also if there are any parents or family members out there that have a story to tell about their lives/family, or who have a skill/talent they would like to share with us or teach us - we would love to hear from you (let me know asap so that I can get any resources you may need) - the children have mentioned how sporty some of their parents are if any of you would like to come and share their sporty skills (or play a game of hockey with us!?), I have also seen how talented and creative some of you are at wood work, needlework, art etc etc. So If you think you could add to our fun and learning in this topic then please let me know by FRIDAY! Thanks!
This week, we will be writing our stories set in imaginary worlds, as well as "cracking" chunking (division)!
Some games kits/trainers/plimsoles may need a wash!!!! We made the most of dry weather today to get out and play some games of hockey on the field.
I look forward to seeing you all at parents evening.
As I am sure you are all now aware, we began rehearsing the songs for the Year 4 DASP singing concert. This is an event that traditionally runs, however that last couple of years it was on hold, so you may have heard of it before! The date for your diary is Thursday 20th March 2014 - we will be at St. Osmunds in the morning rehearsing with the other Year 4 classes, then the children will need to be dropped off at St Osmunds again in the evening at 6 o'clock, when the concert will begin at 6:30 in the Sports Hall. You are all very welcome to come and watch and the children are all expected to attend this fantastic event. More information will follow shortly!
A reminder that, weather permitting, we will be off on our shopping trip to Tescos on Tuesday morning so if you haven't already brought in your £2, there is still time tomorrow to drop it in to the office in a named envelope! We do still need a couple of volunteers to join us, so if any mums/dads/nannys/ grandads/aunties or uncles are able to help, then please let one of the Year 4 team know - Thank you!
I would like to shout a MASSIVE "WELL DONE" to all of you for your outstanding home learning - I have been bowled over by your creativity, effort, learning and the standard of work that you have produced - superb!!!!! Please do come into the main school corridor to see the amazing display of writing, art and home learning............the effort, hard work, fun, enthusiasm and standard speaks for itself!
Appologies for this weeks spellings, I had trouble printing them on Friday - I will make sure the new ones appear this Friday and we will have a recap of some of the previous ones this week!
Well done to all of you who remembered your track suits!
Parents evening sign up sheets are up in the cloakroom.
This week: We will be delving deeper into the realm of stories set in imaginary worlds, calculation strategy check and beginning division - chunking.
Another big thank you to Florence's mum, who has been coming in to listen to Children read!
Thanks for all your support with the children's home learning!